Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Prayer - Uninterrupted Fellowship


Lord Jesus, Savior of my soul by faith, Your redeemed ones have gotten a peek of You in Your sanctuary.  Your power, authority and glory are amazing to think about and a sight to behold.

Your steadfast love feeds our hungry souls, as if starved of all other affection as severe drought devastates vegetation.  We soak up Your love and our lips will praise You as You satisfy our souls as with "fat and rich food" (vs 5).

When we toss and turn upon our beds, sleepless, we remember then, meditating on You and all You have done for us by coming to Earth -- fully God and fully man.

Our souls cling to You now in holy reverence and adoration and for our very lives.  Without You we can do nothing, especially in times of harassment, false accusation and persecutions.  Despite our tribulations we rejoice in You Jesus, Savior, for You the Truth, will stop the mouths of liars.

We await the day of Rapture to be in Your presence forever.  There we will have uninterrupted fellowship and unlimited time to bless Your Name.

In Your Name, Lord Jesus, we praise and bless.

                                                      ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 63:1-11 ESV

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