Saturday, May 15, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Sing It As We "Ascend"


"Great is Thy faithfulness, O LORD unto me!"

This is a song all Your redeemed children can sing, Father, especially as we are en route to gathering together with other followers of Jesus Christ to remember Him in His death and resurrection.

Out of the depths of our hearts we can cry to You because You have heard our voices and pleas for mercy.  As we "ascend" to our place of worship we repent and confess our wrongs and gain the forgiveness of Jesus Christ (1 John 1:9).  

Then we worship in newness of heart and mind.  We enter and bathe in Your holy presence.  We can stand before You because You have made us righteous in Your sight, for we wear Your forgiveness like a golden crown.

Our hope is in You through Jesus and Your steadfast love that we need never doubt.  There is plentiful redemption through Jesus our Redeemer.  His redeeming blood has redeemed us from all punishment and consequences of our iniquities.  With confidence and unashamedness, we can stand in Your presence and lift up our faces to Yours and gaze into Your eyes of love.

With confidence we can sing this psalm as we "ascend" into Your presence, Father God.  Our hope is in You LORD, forever.  On this Lord's Day, with joyful gratefulness and song, we pass the broken bread and the cup of wine one to another in remembrance of all Jesus has done for us. 

 How great Thou art!

In Jesus' Name we pray, praise and worship.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 130:1-8 ESV

Sing Great is Thy Faithfulness, with Chris Rice

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