Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Prayer - Anguish to Joyful Peace


O LORD God of hosts, we cry out to You from the anguish of our lives.  Save us from the "flood waters" that have risen up to our necks and the miry mud that sucks us into the earth in a vice grip.

Your human earth creatures are so often afflicted with pain, are weary with crying and their eyes are so dim and their throats have become parched with sobbing.  The ravages of sin beset us.  We wait for You, O LORD my God, for Your redemption.

Out of Your steadfast love and faithfulness unveil Your face, reach down and help us.  There are so many people who reproach, shame, harass and persecute us because of Your Name and the Name of Jesus.

People hate us, mock us, slander us, falsely accuse us; they make us into a joke and spread gossip that leaps like wildfire through social media, zooming equally swiftly and virally;  poisoning minds and making us, and our and Your name to be dragged into the dirt.  This is not new to You.  It even happened to Your Son Jesus.

Also, Your servant and king, David, experienced this as see in Psalm 69.  It still happens today.  David, in his deep despair reached out to You.  He petitioned You to initiate vengeance against those who made him a reproach.  He wanted them punished and punished and with no chance of acquittal, and knew You could make it happen.

Father God, we know that the right and merciful thing to do is to just ask that these kinds of people be stopped.  Stop them!  Bring justice for their 'victims'.  Heap coals of fire on these foes' and folks' heads by bringing salvation to them so they see the error of their ways.  Bring all their hidden wrongs to light and make them right.  Make them see their latter end.

May they come to see Your goodness; repent, and confess and accept Jesus as Savior and Lord.  That would be sweet retribution.  We hope our hearts will be forgiving enough to accept this.

All this for their own good but also for the good of those being wronged by them because of their zeal for You and Your house.  In the end, let foes and victims come to praise Your Name -- together -- in peaceful fellowship. Let us see such miracles in our day and age.

May they praise You in song, Lord God and magnify You with thanksgiving for Who You are and for all you've done for them:  salvation, forgiveness, justice, mercy, grace, peace.  May they bring the sacrifice of praise from their lips but also surrender their lives totally to You, that they may know You.  That they will establish a close relationship with You because You love them for who they are.

May they seek You with all their hearts and be glad.  May their voices ring out with praise for You, joining Heaven and Earth and involve their offspring in such worship and thanksgiving.  May it be known that those who fear God will inherit the Earth and dwell in the safety You have provided for them, in Your Heavenly home.

To be with Jesus, that's where we long to be.  On this earth You can change our anguish to joyful praise even in the midst of continued reproach.  We can go confidently on, with peace in our hearts and minds because we know You and that You have redeemed and ransomed us back to You; come what may.

                                                      ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 69:1-36 ESV

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