Saturday, May 8, 2021

Mother's Day 2021 Tribute


 Children rise up and

call her, "Blessed;" that's my Mom!

Happy Mother's Day!

Has your Mom passed on?  Is she missed more and more?  It is something one comes to realize, even coming as a surprize -- you just  didn't realize how much Mom was actually a part of your life.  How interwoven she had been, an essence of essential life relationship.

My Mom was such a one -- such a good Mom who loved her children.  This I realize, now!  She was not appreciated enough (speaking for myself).  Took her for granted, so I did.

She was a godly woman and person full of grace and forgiveness; certainly a blessed woman and mother.  She is a good example to imitate of extending grace and forgiveness with all the people in ones life:  family, friends and others.

Appreciate your Mom while you still have her on Earth.  

Jesus, help us to do so and to be of similar character.  Thank-You for such a wonderful Mom.

And to all mother's out there...

                                           H A P P Y   M O T H E R ' S  D A Y!

                                                           ~ERC  May 2021~

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