Sunday, May 16, 2021

Good Book - Lessons from Jonah


The book of Jonah is always an exciting one especially for Sunday School children.  It's a marvel how a man could be swallowed up by a "big fish" and then, yucky! vomited, out onto dry land; and so the story goes.

It is a sobering story for adults and there are deep lessons to be learned from Jonah.  Jonah, who must have been rather sheepishly contrite to have written his "autobiography" of his failings, yet, also of his repentance and eventual obedience.

The author, G. C. Willis, of the short and sweet but thought-provoking book, Lessons from Jonah, gets to the root of Jonah's reluctance, rebellion, anger, and displeasure.  He also drafts out the downward path Jonah took away from Jehovah and then helps us see how Jonah 'climbed' back up towards God.

As author Willis was once sent as a "Christ-bearer" to the multitudes of China and also spent some 30-50 years in that region and some nearby, such as Hong Kong, Singapore and British North Borneo pre- and post- WWII, this book has inferences to things Chinese. (That could actually be visa versa, original text in Chinese and translated into English; I'm not exactly sure.)

A reader will be surprized at the number and intensity of the lessons one can garner from Jonah.  Many of them could be just as convicting as with what Jonah had had to contend when applied to our own lives.  May each reader be challenged in his/her spiritual journey with the Lord and be pro-actively concerned for the world's lost who are still on the road that leads to judgement and everlasting destruction.

Make them your mission, as well as to read Lessons from Jonah.

                                                     ~ERC  May 2021~

Read the book of Jonah in the Old Testament section of the Bible.

This book, Lessons from Jonah, as well as others of G. C. Willis' writings are available at Bible Truth Publishers, and STEM Publishing.  At STEM, look for, "Major Works of George Christopher Willis".  View the list and click on this book title and read to your hearts' content.  (Copyright rules apply.)  He mostly uses the KJV and the JND Bible versions.