Friday, May 28, 2021

Prayer - Held Firmly

 Father God, thank-You for being the living God who answers prayers.  We give You thanks and praise in the name of Your Son Jesus who is near.

You are near too, as You made this earth we live on and You even hold the pillars of this earth firmly, when it shakes.  This tells us You care and are in control.  You take the whole brunt and burden of this fallen world which shook and 'broke' when Adam and Eve sinned.

You are holding up the pillars of our individual lives too, Father God.  When our worlds shake from Covid 19; from other serious illnesses; from broken trust in marriages; from children who rebel and from many other issues which hit us hard on the head like a ton of bricks.  You are there, holding us firmly up, as our fallen world crumbles and falls further apart.

Thank-You for holding us up by Your mighty power even despite government administrations coming and going.  You bring one down, and exalt another.  When we look on, it doesn't always seem for the best to us but we have to believe You are doing what is right.  You are Sovereign.

Thinking of the mess of America in the past four years that got increasingly worse towards the end and now in Myanmar with the coup and many of Your people are on the run for their lives.  Thank-You, You hold them up by sending caring people/organizations who try to help them by sending supplies, and so on.  I ask that they can find the way to these peopole who are the actual ones in desparte need.  

Comfort them in their fear; in the end may these, Your righteous ones find solace in the shadow of Your wings.  Hide them there, Abba Father.  Then they will be able to know you and tell of all Your wondrous deeds of how You helped them and lifted them up when their world was shaking.

Then we too can declare Your love and care and sing and praise You, our Lord and God.  We give You thanks in Jesus' Name.  Thank-You for holding us firmly.

                                                        ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 75:1-10 (NIV).

Sing, In the Shadow of Your Wings, Ntokozo Mbatha Mbambo

Note:  This entry was written back in February.  Other things assail the world now.  The USA-Cbina relations, for one, but again, through it all and inspite of it all, our God, is still holding our 'pillars' firmly in place despite the shakings.  Abide under the shadow of His wings.

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