Saturday, May 29, 2021

Prayer - You Are Known, O God

 "In Judah, You are known, O God,"
wrote Asaph.

What a joyful thing!  People knew You and You abode with them.  They were happy to have You with them.

Father, may You be equally known nowadays in our families and homes, even, I need to say, in our churches!  Dwell among us Father.  We want Your presence with us, giving us "salem" (peace).  Then we can know You and Your ways more, even though they are "past finding" out.

When two or three of us followers of Jesus Christ gather together, there Your presence is with us too.  You give us peace, protection and fight Your enemy Satan and his minions, for us.  Thank-You for championing us; cutting off the spirit of evil and may people everywhere, especially the kings and rulers of earth, fear You.

We stand before You in awe and thanksgiving.  May men and women alike, praise You for being You and the relationship we can have with You -- getting to know You; spending time, alone, with reading Your Word, meditating upon it, talking with You and may each one come to know Your heart as You know ours.

You are our glorious and majestic King of kings, Lord of lords, our God, not just of Judah, but of one and all who fear You.  You are our most trustworthy Father and Friend.

We want to know You more.  May each one truly be able to declare, 

"In my house, You are known, O God."

In Jesus' Name we hope and ask.

                                                   ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 76:1-12 ESV

Sing, You Are Holy along with Joshua Aaron

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