Friday, April 30, 2021

Icky Iguana

 Icky iguana was the finest looking baby iguana you'd ever wanna see; at least, to the mamma iguana, that is.  When he showed up in our bathroom, it was nothing but unmuted shrieks, screams and shivers, from the human mamma.

What a shock to the system to see such a creature where he had had no right to waddle.  He knew it too, cuz when he was confronted he looked for a way out.

Icky was strongly encouraged to get boxed up and shipped out, back to his own grassy waddling grounds.  

"Don't you ever come back either!  You belong OUTdoors!  You are too icky to look at."

Often times, things or even people creep into our lives unawares.  We were not on the alert or were just so uncaring, perhaps, that unhealthy habits, attitudes and even friendships began to make inroads into our lives.

Something or someone may shake or jolt us into realization; confronting us with the 'icky' facts of the matter.  Assess what is said.  If true, take steps to "box" them up and "ship" them out.  Repent when and where needed, confess to the Lord.  He forgives and purifies (1 John 1:9).  Be alert against recurring intrusions and give thanks and praise to Him that 'icky' is a gonner.

                                                           ~ERC  April 2021~

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