Sunday, May 9, 2021

Good Book - The Heart of ANGER

There are those who have grown up angry for whatever reasons.  Those who have been manipulated, disrespected, abused and so on, who have repressed and suppressed their emotions for as long as they can remember, can now get some help even though the iron has entered their souls.  This even having evolved from a young age with anger that has become deep-seated in their hearts.  Here's some hope for better ways of expressing emotions.

The book, The Heart of ANGER by Lou Priolo, is an excellent book akin to a counseling manuel that can lead one to understand why they are a volitile volcano, ever ready to erupt at a second's notice.  Furthermore, Priolo guides parents with angry children to ways which could help "circuit break", long term, and/or even minimize or prevent the heart of anger from devastating development. The author has some very practical helps and suggestions which really are, well, very helpful.

Some topics covered are:  provocative parenting; discipline; Biblical communications; the appeal process, and so on.  There's that old adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words," which aptly applies to the concise diagrams and tables laid out in the book to give better comprehension of what the author is writing about.   They delineate the various aspects of how anger can be accrued and how to counter it by having a better focus in helping to overcome negative emotional expressions that could become deeply rooted.

People from all walks of life, pastors, Christian parents and teachers, caregivers and more, will greatly benefit from reading this book on a subject not often spoken about.  It truly is a practical book that gets at the heart of  ingrained, festering and fomenting anger.  Yet our God is able.  Praise the Lord for this author Priolo's understanding and insight.

May all who read The Heart of ANGER be truly transformed and blessed (even if you didn't think you had a problem with anger).  May their hearts and the hearts of their children become ever progressively, a heart of love which flows from having God-centered vision and focus of their delight.

You'll know what I'm talking about once you've read the book.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2021~

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