Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Say It With Flowers


Not everyone appreciates the power of a flower.  Notwithstanding, a flower given that "says something," as florists are oft telling you, cannot be underestimated.

If you give a cactus, you could quite possibly be saying, "Stay far away from me!" or "I'm very angry with you."  Some give funeral wreaths or bouquets which convey, "our sympathies are with you; we are very saddened too; sorry for your loss; we love you."  Then the red rose from a boyfriend (or, huh, if you're really blessed, a husband) says, "I love you;" or "I care deeply for you".  There's power in those there flowers!

Some people believe giving flowers is a waste of money though.  After all, such gifts droop and wilt, dry up to crispy pedals and pieces, make a mess and are then disposed of all within a week, more or less.  What is the point?! they wonder.

The point, dear sir, is that the thoughts, sentiments and motivations behind the giver's giving can set up a lovely chain reaction of fond feelings.  Secondly, the value the receiver who accepts the flowers, places upon it/them and especially upon the giver that has the power, worth and warmth (except in the case of the cactus 😁) to vary commnications of feelings that by far, out value the money spent, and outlasts the flower's life for days on end.  At least, I think so.

I once read a book of fiction where two people had a whole, ongoing conversation that by the particular flower choice one gave to the other in response to the original flower gift that set it all in motion, went on and on for months, which turned into years.  Feelings were "aired", some rather emotionally - both positively and negatively (anger, bitterness, caring, love, forgiveness and so on).  

In real life there are books on the language and symbolism of flowers which can guide a person in the meanings of particular flowers which really do 'talk'.  At least, for those who know and 'believe'.

BUT...one does not have to delve into such books to get the jist of the sentiments.  For instance, a foreigner, having come from a four season climate, where it had been winter when she left home, arrives in her tropical resort hotel room, to discover a fresh orchid bloom upon the pillow.  Oh raptures; how exciting and exotic, how heartwarming the welcome that sparks almost instant revival of spirit and sparks joy and good cheer.  What a great start to a jolly holiday.

To the heart of one who has just lost a dearly beloved family member; seeing flower bowers and reading the attached cards you give, will endear you to your friend for life.  They get the message:  you care; you empathize.

The husband who may not truly understand but gives that bouquet anyway because he knows his wife appreciates and treasures the gesture, will keep the spark of marriage kindled in just one more facet of connection:  mentally, emotionally and may be, even otherwise.  It's in his best interest.

"Keep the kettle boiling..."

If you don't, the relationship could skip many heart beats and dry up like those wilted, drooping flowers; that would be travesty and waste indeed!  Don't let it be about the money.  On the contrary say it with flowers, show your friends and loved ones you appreciate them and keep the relationships blooming.

                                                   ~ERC February 2021~

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