Friday, May 14, 2021

Prayer - Hasten, Don't Delay

Dear Father God, there are often "explosions" that just about blow us all to pieces.  This happened to David the shepherd boy cum anointed-to-be-king, warrior.  Due to King Saul's jealousy of him, David was on the run for his life.  

This situation didn't dry up and go away in a couple of days.  It was relentless for 15-20 years!  That is, until King Saul died, and David could finally sit "safely" on the throne.

"Make haste, O God, to deliver me" (Psalm 70:1 ESV)!

That was David's agonized cry, penned for all to review, that had gone up to You.

Father, this is often our cry too!  Twenty years is like a lifetime sentence. Being put to shame and having a majority of others turn their backs on us, cages us; bends us DOWN!

Nonetheless we seek You, Father.  Your goodness and kindness and love compel us to You, like iron to a magnet.  This David directs for us, encouraging as he had been encouraged and helped by your oft deliverances.

He realized his neediness,

"I'm poor and needy," he said.

He needed Your help and quickly,

"Hasten to me, O God!"


Father God, we too realize our need to depend on You and that You are our hope and help and deliverer, through Jesus our Savior.  May we too, urgently seek You.

"O LORD, do not delay!"

Thus, we pray.  Thank-You for "standing by".

In Jesus our Deliverer's Name we beseech You, Everlasting Father, knowing you will aid us.

                                                   ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 70:1-5 (ESV)

Sing, My Deliverer, with Rich Mullins

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