Sunday, April 18, 2021

Good Book - In the GRIP of GRACE

 "By God's grace I can get through this..."

"By God's grace, we have reconciled..."

"By God's grace, ..."

What does it actually mean to do something "by God's grace"?

What about, "do we even deserve God's grace?  If so, how do we gain access to it?  How does something that sounds abstract, or even like a ritual mantra, "Oh, by God's grace...this or that..." How does it equate in day to day living?  What is grace and why do we need it, anyway?

Max Lucado in his book, In the GRIP of GRACE, explains much of that in a very interesting manner, giving examples and stories with splashes of humor when possible.

Lucado says we are in such a mess but we have a wonderful God who forgives and His grace can make all the difference in our lives when we become Christ-like and gripped with grace.

The barebone basics:  God fogives, extends grace to mankind.  Mankind accepts.  In turn, then that "mankind" turns to another and forgives, extending grace (acceptance despite the whatever), and so on...By God's grace we too can and need to, learn this.

To 'flesh' out the details, read Lucado's book.  Climb out of the pits of self-sufficiency and legalism and unforgiveness, be free of guilt, condemnation and anger.  Instead, be "in the grip of grace" for God's glory and honor.

Additionally, at the end of the book you'll find a study guide.  This book, therefore, could be used either in a personal or group setting for more in-depth study.

Grace, how sweet the sound.  Let us all "get a grip" on it.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2021~

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