Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Prayer - Test of Integrity


Imagine being hounded and stalked for about twenty years, by a man intent on killing you.  You would need to be forever on the alert and have many secret hiding places.  On top of that, there were mercenary-minded people greedy for favor from this "predator," who would happily expose your whereabouts to him.  You could not know whom to trust and whom not to.

No wonder the fugitive David put his trust in God.  Time and again he cried out to God for mercy, to hide and take refuge in the shadow of God's wings.  He knew he had a God-given purpose -- he'd been anointed to be king of Israel.  He besought God to save him and bring this to fruition, and to shame the one who was 'trampling on him" (v. 3).

Then, it transpired that this "fiery beast" and his men with teeth that were "spears and arrows" and with tongues as "sharp swords", came and slept in the very same cave in which David and his men were hiding!  Oh, that exceedingly tempting taste of retribution would have made anyone's trigger finger twitch.  Indeed, David's men urged him to take King Saul's life (1 Samuel 24).  This was his BIG chance!!

David rebuked,

"The LORD forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the LORD's anointed, or lift my hand against him for He is the LORD's anointed" (1 Samuel 24:6 NIV).

David stressed, "the Lord's anointed".  This must have been the staying power, as he feared God and God had been so good to him.  It kept him honest and added notches to his "integrity belt".   It is always good to have such a thing for ourselves too, so that when we are in the tempting moments to do what would displease the Lord, we would be held back from doing it.

The one thing that David did do at that time, which caused him to feel so "conscience-stricken" about afterwards, was to sneak up and cut off a piece of King Saul's robe whilst the royal and his men slept.  Later, after Saul had left the cave in the morning and was at a "safe" distance, I suppose, David came out and called to Saul and showed him the piece of robe he'd cut off; proof that David did not seek to harm Saul and avenge himself.  No.  David waited for the LORD to avenge him.

There are so many Psalms with this theme besides this Psalm 57.  Psalm 94 is about vengence belonging to the "God of vengenance", the one who "shines forth" and is the "judge of the earth".  We are so eager and wishful to take things into our own hands nine times out of ten.  Thank God, David was characterized by integrity and presents us with such a role model example.

David's heart was steadfast and he gave thanks to the Lord for His mercy and faithfulness to him.  Just think of all those years of hiding and harrowing narrow escapes.  It was one thing to have on the back burners of your mind that you've been anointed as king and will "some day" have the realization in reality which would mean your life would be spared.  However, all those intervening years must have felt like, "Oh really?  I'm going to sit on the throne?  You could have fooled me!"   He may have been down many times, but he was not 'out'.

These experiences made David sing and make melody, and give glory to God instead for all the help and safety He'd given him all throughout those years!  Doesn't that beat all?  David passed the test of integrity with flying colors!  His songs could be sung with clear mind and conscience and he knew that God knew it and would vouch for him.

Father God, many of us do not even come close to such a life on the run as David had.  Yet, You do present each one of us with "tests;" opportunites with the potential to make or break us.  May we pass them and become mighty men and women of God, marked by integrity as was David, the example You've given us.

All those who seek to destroy us in one way or another may we see them as You do, with love that is redeeming and forgiving.  As Jesus said of His foes, 

"Father, forgive them, as they know not what they do" (Luke 23:24).

David was like that.  May Your words be as precious to us as they were to David.  May they be the staying, guiding power that helps us choose to walk aright no matter the difficulty and intensity of the enemies battering ram tempting and luring us to do wrong.

May Your steadfast love and abundant faithfulness to us over the decades of life, help us pass similar tests of integrity.  May we be instruments of integrity that encourage others to be so as well.  David did not allow his men to harm Saul either.  

"Be exalted, O God, above the heavens and Your glory over all the earth" (Psalm 57:11 ESL).

May we bring You sacrifices of praise and glory with steadfast love, integrity and faithfulness to You as we inspire others to similar Christ-like character and behavior.

We ask and praise in Jesus' name.

                                                       ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Psalm 57:1-11 ESV & 1 Samuel 24 (have a read).

Sing, The Steadfast Love of the Lord, with Dave Hunt

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