Friday, April 9, 2021

Prayer - Unshakeable Trust


Unshakeable trust and faith is hard to come by for many folks.  For David, the secretly anointed, king-in-waiting, the extreme buffeting of his life did not turn, break or shatter his faith in God.  Quite the opposite; he found his anchor in Him.

Men "hotly pursued" him, "all day pressing their attacks;" slandering him; twisting his words; plotting and conspiring against him; just lurking in the wings to take his life (Psalm 56:1-6 NIV).

David had been afraid, he had cried buckets (not a feminine monopoly), he'd called for help and he still trusted and praised God.  He felt secure that God more than noticed.  He said God had,

 "...recorded and listed his lament and tears..." (v. 8).

His firm trust in God and His Word kept David from stumbling and death.  He credited God for holding him fast.  Get this, King Saul pursued David, intent on killing him, for about twenty years!!

Talk about perseverance!

What was David's ultimate purpose?  That he could, 

"...walk before God in the light of life..." (v. 13).  

This too kept David and through it all, he still was grateful.  He presented thank offereings to the LORD.

Father, through it all, may we too be kept firmly trusting in You; generous in our praise and thanksgiving (and offerings).  May we be known for words of gratefulness to You as You deliver us from life's often overwhelming besetting troubles.  We may get down but not out.  We look to You from whence comes our help.  In You, we place our unshakeable trust for the long haul, as did David.

Thank-You in Jesus Name.

                                                       ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Psalm 56:1-13 (NIV)

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