Sunday, April 11, 2021



All those subtle, legalistic unwitten rules that infest like leprosy in a group of believers in Jesus Christ, are horrendous, burdens to be borne.  Woe betide the one who does not kowtow.  Cult-like repercussions may well not be so subtle.  

There are varying forms of abuse a person can suffer:  there is physical abuse that is easily seen in bruises, black eyes, and/or broken limbs; there is sexual abuse that can be noted by physicians; there is "invisible" emotional abuse that is often inter-twined with the other forms but not always; and then, the subject of this book, spiritual abuse.  This too, is not always visibly seen but is very real and affects and infects, many in subtle ways; unfortunately perpetuated by those who should be "caretakers" of the spiritual health of those under their care.

Jesus confronted the "spiritual" leaders of his day, time and again.  They had bound burdens heavy and  grievous to be borne (Matthew 23:4) upon the temple congregants.  Those leaders didn't like the interference much, as can be seen by the consequences:  Jesus' death upon Calvary's cross. 

Such places of worship, churches, even today, are supposed to be safe places of healing and encouragement and of learning more about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Who provided the way of salvation, by faith, and towards communion with Him.  He did this out of great love for the "whosoever will" and to then meant for His children be led by His Holy Spirit and God's Word for daily living and spiritual nurture and growth. 

When church leaders, and fellow believers who champion them, begin to make their word greater than God's, spiritual abuse happens.  The book, the SUBTLE POWER of SPIRITUAL ABUSE by authors, David Johnson and Jeff VanVonderen tries to expose this travesty.

Look at to whom the book has been dedicated,

" the weary and heavy laden, deeply loved by God, but because of spiritual abuse, find that the Good News has somehow become the bad news."

How can we recognize spiritual abuse and the victims within its vice-grip system?  The book elaborates on that as well as about abusive leaders' character, what makes them abusers and why their victims (and possibly, even themselves if they have been products of such a system) are trapped.  Then, the way of escape and "post-abuse recovery" are outlined.

Yes, a way of escape.  There is such a way.  There is hope.

This book is really helpful for any who find themselves in such a situation.  Or, if you know of anyone who knows the depressing defeat of feeling duped and imprisoned by spiritual abuse, it could help you guide your friend out of that miry pit to living in freedom in Christ.

May one and all be blessed by the reading of this book.

                                                          ~ERC  April 2021~


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