Sunday, April 4, 2021

Good Book - The Little Flock Hymn Book: Its History and Hymn Writers


This little gem of a book has some special memories for me because I "helped" my grandfather write it.  One fine summer, on school holidays from high school, my grandfather learned that I had learned how to type, so he commandeered me for a few days.  He, Adrian Roach, dictated a good portion of this book, The Little Flock Hymn Book:  Its History and Hymn Writers, while I typed it into being upon paper.  This before the advent of computers.

We often sing so many songs and hymns but don't always think of the person who has written any one particular one; what was the story behind the lyrics?  The curious will want to know.  

When we discover those nuggets of knowledge, the songs and hymns can become that much more meaningful.  This especially if one has grown up from a babe in arms hearing the words, singing the tunes, almost on autopilot, that to know the background, can give a fresh look and therefore impact ones' soul more deeply.

The authors of the hymns in "The Little Flock Hymnbook" are from many different denominations but one common thread is that they all loved the Lord Jesus Christ, and wanted to share that love and what He meant to them, with others.  Of course, many of these hymns are lovely old pieces from a w-a-a-a-ay back in the 1800's.  The hymnbook itself had many revisions but the most, ahem, "recent" one on which this 'History' is based, was 1881.  And, yes, this hymnbook is still used by a significant number of gatherings of the Lord's people; believe it or not.

While Grandpa dictated and I typed, Grandma made 'Maid of Honor Tarts' etc., for us to eat, to help "keep our strength up".  Thus, it was a good arrangement and a book got composed in the process.

                                                         ~ERC  April 2021~

P.S.  Grandpa may have gotten others to help along the way too as I'm sure I didn't have time to help him to completion.  

BTW, one can still order this book from Bible Truth Publishers in Addison, Illinois (somewhere near Chicago).


  1. Great job indeed. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    1. You are very welcome. And many thanks for the compliment.
