Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Prayer - Lifted Burdens


Father, our burdens are lifted at Calvary; at the cross where my Savior died.  To Jesus we cling and in Him we can trust.  This, because You have been gracious to us O God.

You hear our complaints and moans when men drop their trouble upon us.  When men attack and oppress us, falsely accuse and/or betray us, when we are afraid at the strife the wicked plough up; hovering like vultures, ready to pounce upon us.  We can trust You to help us when we call upon You.  Actually, even before we call, You answer.  We know this because you are for us; You are on our side.  

"What can man do to us? (vs 11).

Our hearts are often in anguish as are our minds as it is not always the "flesh and blood" folk that have us in fear and trembling.  Depressing negative thoughts, influenced by Your enemy and his minions, can and do bombard and overwhelm us until we wish to fly away and be at rest.

The only true rest though Father, that we should get, is to come to You.  We need to shelter in you and Your words otherwise we may commit iniquity and that never pleases You.  These "enemies" do taunt many and often.  It is so often a continual battle of the mind.  May we take sweet counsel and communion with You in our secret, secluded closets in time spent with You and Your word.  Fix Your word in our minds and hearts and when we call to You, O LORD, You will save us.

Redeem our souls and bring us to safety.  May we enthrone You and listen to You as we cast our burdens upon You.  Thank-You for sustaining us as we trust in You.  It is because of the cross that we have this privilege.  Thank-You for taking our burdens:  burdens of sin and its consequences; burdens of life, in general.   I hear sighs; I sigh.  Lift our burdens of life in general, Father.  Then we can sigh in relief.

Thank-You, in Jesus' most precious name.

                                                      ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Psalm 55:1-23 (ESV)

Sing, Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary, Ladye Love Smith @ Gaither

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