Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Prayer - Raise the Victory Banner


Father God, when we go against the great enemies that seem to be so big and strong against us, making us quake and even looking like the enemy gains ground, advancing upon us, with land torn open; fractured foundations, making us stagger as if having imbibed too much wine, those who fear You, raise Your banner, unfurling it against the firey darts of said enemies, against those things they throw at us, attempting to break us down completely, save us.  Help us by Your right hand of strength and might; by the love You have for Your children.  It is in You and You only, Father, that we can have this sanctuary.  This is because from Your sanctuary and out of Your holiness we can come into Your presence through Jesus Christ.  You say that, "this son, is Mine" or "that daughter, is Mine"; I'll be his/her Refuge and Strength.

Oh how we love to hear You say those endearing words!

We belong to You and You accept us.

Those who have lived a righteous life in your sight, live to please You as their motto.  It too, a banner, reading, "to please and glorify You".

We know and are confident that You do not reject us when we come to You in repentance and that You can send armies of angels to help us!

Lord, we "wrestle not against flesh and blood" as did David, Joab and Abishi (David's General and army member), against the Edomites.  No, we wrestle against prrincipalities and the powers of the evil one who is Your enemy.  We engage in spiritual battles even when the faces are human.

However, You give us aid against this enemy who is also our enemy.  You help us because those enemies are worthless.  They have been defeated by Jesus Himself and their end will be the Abyss;  nevermore to harass or attack.

With You by our side then, we can be more than conquerors, we can trample them under our feet.  Thank-You for this help You give us; again, like David and his men, Abishai and Joab who went against the Edomites and struck so many of these adversaries down; thousands upon thousands of them in the Valley of Salt.

It was by Your mighty hand working through their prowess.  They could not take the glory for these won battles, even though they have been commemorated by being written in Your Word.  Nevertheless, Lord we want the battles to be Yours; to be known to be Yours because through Jesus Christ, and His victory over sin and death which He allows us now to share in through our being justified by faith in Jesus Christ and His work done for us on Calvay's cross, and the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit within us and through Your words we read in the Holy Scriptures which are able to make us wise unto salvation and to be able to have the armor, Your armor, upon us.  The armor of God fitted in place:  the helmet of salvation; the sword of the Spirit; the breastplate of righteousness; belt of truth and our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Lord, in You and with Your armor, we an go out against Your enemy, Satan, and resist him and all his minions.  We do not say this flippantly as You have said he and they will flee from us.  We trust in Your Word.  With You by our side, we can have victory -- hard won, at times; --"bloody" at times; challenging and difficult.  Yet, we can gain the victory through Jesus and His intervention on our behalf because You too, are on our side.  We raise our victory banner to You and in the Name of Jesus we have happy victory.  

We shower You with thanks and praises.  All glory be to You, O Father God, and to Jesus Christ, Your Son.

                                                         ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Psalm 60:1-12 (NIV)

Sing All Glory Be to Christ, along with Grace Worship

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