Sunday, April 25, 2021

Good Book - Jack's Life


C. S. Lewis was a well-known international author whom many aspired to know; and in whom many were inspired to be like.  Many believed they knew him some, especially his close friends who knew his more "public" self.  Nevertheless, what was his "home" self like?

Although others have written biographies about C. S. Lewis, Douglas Gresham, his stepson, knew the man of the manor.  This is often where the rubber hits the road in the true character of a person.  So how did "Jack," as was Lewis' nickname, stand the test in the eyes of vulnerable, young Douglas Gresham and all through Gresham's growing up, and into manhood, years?  Read the book Jack's Life, by said Douglas Gresham, the man, to find out.

You will also discover why Lewis came to be called, "Jack".  You will learn some of the backdrops of the well-love books Lewis wrote.  You will learn of his hardships and his joys, especially, his Joy, and how that relationship with Greshm's mother came subtly into being.  Very intriquing.

Be prepared to have some of your perceptions and conjectures realigned.  You may even come to 'love' this extraordinary man even more, and to understand where he is coming from, even as you read his writings.

Jack's Life is a great testimony to the man Gresham knew as a stepfather, and mentor, and simply as, "Jack;" and to whom the rest of the world thinks they know, as the man, C. S. Lewis.

                                                             ~ERC  April 2021~

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