Sunday, April 18, 2021

Prayer - Just Reward


Father God, You are King of kings and Lord of lords.  You are also the Judge of all judges.  You are The Righteous Judge of all the earth, and righteous people are rewarded by Your judgements and just rewards.

Yet on all the earth, are their any judges, kings or rulers who judge aright?  None, like You, Father.  There were some like King David and his son King Solomon, who did try their best to.  Others may try but none can compare with You.

This is as it should be and we are grateful and thankful.  You make us glad of heart knowing also that vengence is Yours and You will repay all the injustices heaped upon Your people.   We don't have to worry about or stew and plan malicious and slanderous retributions.   We can leave it all up to you.  In fact we SHOULD do so even if we strongly feel like taking matters into our own hands. 

There are so many wicked rulers and judges out there, as the psalmist David described who, "devise injustice;" "... have venom as a cobra;" "hands that mete out violence" ... (Psalm 581-5).  The righteous shudder at these.  The gavel falls as the pen declares, they will get their "just desserts." 

It is such a relief then, Father, to know that You are in control.  We can trust in You.  Help our spirits to listen to Your Holy Spirit; stretch us to be as forgiving as You are.  Thank-You for Your innumberable righteous judgements and in time to come, at the Great White Throne and the Bema Seat, we know we will each get our just reward.   

In Jesus Name we ask.

                                                    ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Psalm 58:1-11 NIV

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