Saturday, April 24, 2021

Prayer - The Manly Thing to Do

 "Nope!  Jesus, the Bible and the church are for women and children; you ain't gonna see my hide sitting in any pew!  Nope, again!" exclaimed the man.

That seems to be the case in many churches; more women and children and fewer men.  More and more sisters taking up the leading spiritual role while the few brothers in attendance sit back, often fidgeting and/or asleep.  To be fair, not all are like that; and I thank the Lord for those brothers who do engage in their spiritual leadership roles!

Now, this is NOT written to browbeat men!

This is, hopefully, to encourage more brothers-in-Christ, to:  number 1, develop their relationship with the Lord, and number 2, become, over time, a spiritually healthy leader at home and among the gatherings of the followers of Jesus Christ in church and among non-church goers in the workplace, as well as in their spare time activites such as an evening of hiking, hashing or badminton playing; or even a weekend fishing trip.

There's an article in the June 2018 (yes, I'm behind in the reading), Christianity Today (CT) magazine, regarding this very phenomenon.  In fact, most of this issure is based on the facts, that not many men are attracted to church-going, let alone participation.  One reason given was that 'church' was not "masculine" enough.  For example, hymns, like "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" has  terminology that may have been ok back when the song was written, but tends to turn some men away in this day and age.

Another point is, the flowers.  Why, must there be flowers?  Yes, the sisters love them, generally speaking.  Think about it.  How many men that you know, love flowers?

The CT article, "The Man-Friendly Church" by Michael Zigarelli, relates how one pastor replaced flowers in the lobby with three Harley Davidson's.  These were not Match-box versions, either!

Ha, ha that caught my attention.  Yet another church had gone with earth-tone decor.  Yeah, we might be strongly tempted to judge all this, saying folks are missing the point of gathering together to meet, worship and praise Jesus.

A rebuttal could be, the apostle Paul was "all things to all people so as to win some for Christ" (1 Corinthians 9:19-23).  This is something I can live with.


Have a look at Psalm 61 and the favorite psalmist David.  Some may think he was not too masculine:  he's so moody!  Up and euphoric; then suddenly, down-in-the-dumps depressed, as if affected by a menses.  Stereotype emotional swings folks tend to pin on women.

David lived a fugitive life, climbing around rocks, hills, "exploring" caves; fighting battles; on the run for nigh onto two decades.  That was not exactly a cushy life; rough, rugged, outback, extreme survival course, living.

Many of his Psalms talk about God being his "rock," "refuge," "strong tower," and his desire to "dwell in God's tent forever".    On the flipside, he wrote of being under the "shadow of [God's] wings".  He yearned for a peaceful, protected, "safe" existence....

BUT...but living near to God.  That sounds gentle and bespeaks a trusting relationship.  Additionally, this does not sound feminine.  Not too many 'flowers' were strewn in David's path of life.

Talking about songs; most, if not all, of the Psalms recorded in the Bible were meant to be sung.  Sung, not just by a few, but by the whole congregation of Israel, led of course by the designated choir of Levite men who led the assemblage in worshiping Yahweh.

Think again of David's decades of eluding "dances" so that he did not "tango" with King Saul, who was bent on killing him.  David was actually a crown prince at the time.  No wonder, when he gets to verse 7, he remarks of himself,

"May he be enthroned forever before God..."

"Enthroned forever."  Twenty years, give or take a couple, on the run; the throne of Israel an elusive reward.  Imagine the sighs he likely illicited from his own breast and the cries out to God, "When?"  However, note the last two words in the phrase, "before God".  It wasn't "before Israel" but "before God".  That was his deepest desire and to be in that position, forever.

Then he could sing praises to his heart's content and perform his vows for God.  He had maintained his relationship with God and kept it firmly in place.  He relied heavily upon God, his Rock and Refuge out in the dreary, dangerous, desert places but His longing was to be still before God.  In other Psalms, David expresses his wish to go to the house of the LORD in company with others; to pro-actively do so, dancing and singing praises, loudly.  It was a manly thing to do.

Does this appeal to today's men?  The "House of the LORD" David went to was a tent -- the Tabernacle.  Later, his son, King Solomon, built a gilt gold Temple for God.  The beauty and grandeur of that must have been totally awesome.  The Tabernacle had its beauty hidden but in the underneath, handcrafted coverings there was exquisite embroidery (incidently, done by men) of master craftsmen/workmanship.

Whether in a drab-looking building, or an ornate cathedral, may our dear brothers-in-Christ have a deep-seated desire, as did David the psalmist, to be "enthroned before God".  May they be pro-actively leading others to Christ and in worship and the teaching and preaching of God's Word; leading the followers of Jesus Christ to maturity in Him whether in the confines of their own "home castle",  flowered pews, or climbing mountain rock faces.  It's the manly thing to do.

Father God, You are the One enthroned forever and ever.  We worship and praise You for Your righteousness; for Your steadfast love and faithfulness to watch over every single last brother-in-Christ who follows Your Son Jesus.

May these men of Yours, the spiritual leaders in the home and among gatherings of Your people, seek You and find their refuge in You.  May they make You their Rock and Fortress against enemy attacks and come and dwell in "Your tent" where there is safety.

That "tent" symbolizing Your holy presence where they can converse with You in man-to-man talk; gleaning wisdom and steadfastness, and be empowered by Your Holy Spirit.  That place where they can grow in their spiritual life and relationship with You. In turn, may they come to sing praises to Your name and "perform their vows" day after day in gratitude and thanksgiving to You as they become all things to all people; winning some for Christ and taking up their spiritual leadership role among Your people, the Church.  After all, its the manly thing to do, and it is pleasing in Your sight.

May Your manifold blessings be upon these brothers-in-Christ.

I ask this in Jesus' most precious name.

                                                     ~ERC  January 2021~

Based on Psalm 61:1-8 (ESV).

Sing Rise Up Oh Men of God, along with Kenneth Jennings & Northern Lights Chorale (a choir of men, mind you).

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