Sunday, January 31, 2021

Good Book - Lighting the World

 The review for this book, Lighting the World, by author C. Peter Wagner, has been in the wings for the past few weeks as I read through and began 'digesting' it.  It has been a most eye-opening commentary on the book of Acts chapter 9 through 15.  It lays out the missiology of the early church fathers and how the same principles can be applied even today in missionary endeavors, in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to "all the world".  

Additionally, once the two's and three's are gathered together, appointing local leadership, again through Holy Spirit's discernment and wisdom, is of utmost importance for the growth and health of the assembly.

That may sound like dry reading but I assure you it is NOT!  I learned so much and it has indeed  been, "exciting and inspiring" (as it advertises on the back jacket of the book).   It is not weighted down with big, boring theological terminology but does make the reader sit up and take notice as the works and acts of the Holy Spirit through the apostles and other disciples of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, transpire.

Wagner helps the reader focus on some very serious issues and to hash out in their mind, what exactly one believes in such situations that can be presented to the believers in Jesus today that would divide and conquer them.  Not only can the individual develop his/her thinking but it would be especially good for the congregation of believers, as a whole, to grasp.

The context and background of the events that evolved regarding the various major conflicts that arose during Peter and Paul's time, and why matters arose as they did.  It is really illuminating and makes very good, logical sense, answering questions one may have had about those times.  What was the "big deal" of those issues back then and how would they have affected the church to this day if they had not been resolved?

At the end of each chapter are five questions to help one 'chew the cud' of what one has just read, which are helpful in assisting one to come to at least, an initial conclusion, of what one has learned and formed some 'rightful' opinion of belief. 

Reading this volume certainly has whet my appetite to read the other two books in this series.  Lighting the World is Book 2.  [I sort of came by this  edition by "chance" not realizing it was # 2 of 3.]  I'd love to get a hold of Books 1 (Spreading the Fire) and 3 (not sure of the title; can't seem to find it although alluded to).  I hope to someday get my hands on them because this Book 2 was so refreshing and enlightening.

                                                     ~ERC  January 2021~

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Prayer - Good At Confession

 Have you ever been introduced to the "A-C-T-S' way of praying?  That's where 'A' stands for 'adoration'; 'C' stands for 'confession'; 'T; for 'Thanksgiving'; and 'S' for 'supplication'.  David the psalmist, has all of those down pat; and covers the bases well.  Read through his many psalms and check it out.

In Psalm 38, David is bent on confession. He really lays it all out, telling mostly what the consequences of his sins had been and admitting he deserved it.  The consequences really had done a number on him, so much so, he seemed to have been rather debilitated thereby.

He said that because of God's wrath, God's "arrows had pierced him": and there was no "health in his bones" (vs 2, 3).  There was "no soundness"; "wounds festered" (v. 5); he was "bowed low" and "mourning all day long" (v. 6).

Ever have excruciating back pain?  David did.  He said his back "is filled with searing pain" (v. 7) and therefore he was "feeble and utterly crushed and groaned in anguish of heart" (v. 8).  Many other such maladies afflicted him.

He acknowledged why.  It was because of his "sin" (v. 3) and "sinful folly" (v. 5).  He also felt his guilt which was a very good thing.  It caused him to "confess his iniquity" (v.18).

On top of all the physical problems, he was shunned by friends and neighbors and there was no one left who seemed to care at all.  Such total rebuke and sin consequences he had had to endure.  No one was left for him to turn to so He besought the LORD, "do not forsake me" (v. 21).  He knew where his help would come from and in desperation, and likely depression, he turned to the One Who he knew would help and exclaimed,

"Come quickly to help me, my LORD and my Savior" (v. 22).

Father, in deep anguish of soul and heart, may each of Your children learn how to be "good confessors".  We know our only Meditator and Mitigatory is Jesus, our Advocate; between us and You.  We can come boldly into Your presence, in humble and equally deep repentance, contriteness and with sincerity of heart as did David when he sought your face and forgiveness.  May it all tumble forth from our inner beings and off our tongues when we go against You and Your will and ways for our lives.

Your word says that when we confess, Jesus forgives:

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9 ESV).

Thank-You, Father, for this.  We do not take our wrongs lightly and do not seek that forgiveness flippantly.  We hold dearly, on to Your promise, and may each of us keep short accounts with You each time we seek Your face.

May our consciences be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit's convictions and our hearts willing to confess as thoroughly as David has done and has shown us with such vulnerability and for "all the world" to see.

Only then we can adore and laud You, and thank You and supplicate for others on their behalf in all good conscience and restored relationship with You, Heavenly Father.  May we all become good at  confession.  May our sacrifices of praise then be acceptable in Your sight.

We ask this in and through Jesus, Your Son, and our Advocate's, Name.

                                                   ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Psalm 38:1-22 (NIV).

Sing prayerfully and with confession, Lord, to You I Make Confession, Koine

Friday, January 29, 2021

Calls Us By Name

 "Come-bye; come-bye," called the handler.




"Group them together." 

The sound of the handler's voice came clear across the meadow to his stock dog.  Thus, the way of more modern shepherds.

This shepherd still caring for his sheep yet from a more impersonal stance compared to what we envision ancient sheep tending, where the shepherd led the flock and the sheep followed his voice.  

They knew the shepherd's voice.  Shepherds knew their sheep by name.  (No injustice or offense meant to modern shepherds; I'm open to correction.)

I have read that sheep are able to recognize their name being called much the same as a dog would.  In addition, they recognize faces and can even discern the mood of a person, most likely the shepherd; whether he is sad, happy, etc.  I find this amazing.  Of course though, they are made by God, so it really shouldn't surprise us.  Ha, ha.

Did you know our Heavenly Father loves to call people by name?  This was high-lighted by a brother in our church.  He listed several specific ones who had their respective names called.

One of the first ones we come across in the Bible is 'Abraham'.  Abraham was about to sacrifice his one and only son Isaac per God's instruction.  Isaac was bound on the altar, Abraham had the knife poised above his head and God called out,

"Abraham!  Abraham!" (Genesis 22:1, 11).

That would have gotten one's attention, and it certainly did the trick with Abraham and he halted in his tracks.  God assured him that He knew Abraham's heart and that he truly loved God first, despite his great love for Isaac.  He had passed God's test.  Not that God needed to know this, but He wanted to show Abraham where his ultimate allegiance and trust lay.


Jacob was about to pack up, lock, stock and barrel, and emigrate to Egypt from Canaan as his long, lost son Joseph, who'd been found alive after decades of being thought dead, had requested.  The invite was also from Pharoah.  They invited him and the rest of the family to live in Egypt for the rest of the famine years.

God spoke to Israel, 

"Jacob!  Jacob!"

Jacob, whose name had been changed by God, to Israel, replied, 

"Here I am," 

as if it was a natural, daily occurrence to converse with God.  

God went on to instruct and assure Jacob to go ahead and go to Egypt as He would go to Egypt with him.  Imagine that.  Ever hear the expression, "Go with God?"  This was God promising to go with Jacob.  How comforting that must have been.

God called him by name.  Jacob heard and answered.  He got comfort and assurance he was moving in a God-approved direction (Genesis 46:2-4).

Then there was the "son of Pharoah's daughter" who'd become a fugitive.

"What is that bush that is on fire but not being consumed?!"  

That "son," Moses, peered across the distance and moved closer for inspection at the strange sight!

The LORD called out, 

"Moses!  Moses!"

Like Abraham and Isaac, Moses responded, 

"Here I am."  

It's almost amusing, actually.  God obviously knew where they were.  It even says so in Exodus 3:4.

"When God saw that he went over to look...".

Yet the three men were sensitive to the voice of God's call.  They were quick to respond.

They didn't always like what they heard though as was the case with Moses.  God gave him a mission which he was reluctant to take up.  Nonetheless, we know he did mightily in leading the children of Israel out of Egypt to worship and guide God's people to the Promised Land.  God promised to be with him and to tell the Israelites the "I AM" had sent him (Exodus 3).

Moses went.

Another example from the Old Testament was Samuel.  Samuel was confused at first until Eli the High Priest realized the LORD must have been calling the boy.  Samuel, as yet, did not know God's voice.  However, his heart was in the right place and at Eli's instruction, he answered, 

"Speak, for Your servant is listening."

Samuel was given a message of judgment upon Eli and sons that he was then afraid to relate to Eli.  Upon Eli's insistence, however, he did.  From then on all Israel recognized that Samuel was an "attested prophet of the LORD".  It was there in Shiloh where the ark of God was, that the LORD revealed Himself to Samuel (1 Samuel 3).

What a life-changing encounter.  

Would you like to have one?  You know what to do, when God calls.  


 Do we know Him and His voice?  Search the Scriptures which are able to make you wise and get to know Him and His voice.

Martha, the dear hospitable lady from Bethany, during Jesus' time got called.  We see from the New Testament book of Luke and chapter 10 that Jesus called her by name, 

"Martha!  Martha!"  

This was a word of admonition yet in care for her, guiding her to "what is better".  That is, to sit at Jesus feet listening to His voice and what He had to say.  Sometimes the cares of our earthly duties distract us, too. May our Lord and Savior Jesus' voice call us to attention, to Him and His Word.

Oh, then there was the dear disciple cum apostle, Peter, once known as "Simon" who was of impetuous, foot-in-mouth character.  I believe he was a caring, heartwarming type of chap though and he did love Jesus and therefore made his boast along the 'well-meaning' line.

Peter said he was 

"...ready to go with Jesus to prison and to death".  

A couple of hours later, he did deny he even knew Jesus.

Jesus had said, 

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.  But I have prayed for you Simon, that your faith may not fail.  And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers" (Luke 22:31-34 NIV).

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, called Simon's name; gave him warning; gave him the assurance He'd prayed for Peter and also gave Peter a mission -- to strengthen his brethren.

Watch out if God calls your name!  What will you do about it?  Look at what happened to Peter.

Peter responded in bravado.  He did fail but later Jesus reinstated him (Luke 24) and told him to feed and care for His lambs/sheep.  Peter did eventually do mightily.  An 'ordinary' man, doing extra-ordinary exploits, empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts).

Having his name called by the Shepherd, Peter followed His voice, "fished" for men and fed the flock of God!  What a privilege!  What a responsibility!

Answer, when God calls you.

A cataclysmic transformation happened to the next recorded person's name that was called.

"Saul!  Saul!  Why do you persecute Me" (Acts 9:4)?

"Who are You, LORD?" 

Saul wanted to know (Acts 9:4, 5 NIV).

Isn't that a bit strange, too?  Saul did but did not know who had called him.  He said, "LORD" but still wanted to know who was calling him?

The LORD graciously answered, 

"I am Jesus..." (Acts 4:5).

Saul was then given simple instructions to go to Judas' house on Straight St. and Ananias would come to restore his sight by God's power and so Saul would be filled with the Holy Spirit with the laying on of hands.

Through the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit, Saul, who later went by the handle,  Paul, began preaching that Jesus is the Son of God.  He preached to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles.  This had phenomenal effects as if a thrown stone into water.  The ripples expanded in ever increasing and encompassing circumferences, all down through the ages until now.

Praise God Paul listened to the Good Shepherd's voice so we could hear it now.

John 10:3 remarks,

"...the sheep listen to His voice.  He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out."

He calls them.  He leads them.

"He goes ahead of them...they follow Him because they know His voice" (John 10:4).

Jews and Gentiles, alike, listen for and follow His voice,

"I have other sheep" said Jesus, "...they too will listen to my voice" (John 10:16 NIV).

Our Good Shepherd even...

"...lay down His life for His sheep" (John 10:15).

He knows each of us by name.  He calls, He leads.  Do we listen?  Do we answer?  Do we follow as the patriarchs and prophets of old did?  Do we sit and listen to His teaching through His Word and the Holy Spirit's guidance, comfort, assurances and instructions?

Jesus said,

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow Me.  I give them eternal life and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand" (John 10:27-28 NIV).

May we each listen for our Good Shepherd's voice when He calls us by name.  


"Here I am."

He knows where you are and He'll be with you wherever you go (Matthew 28:7; Hebrews 13:5 and Romans 8:38-39).

                                                  ~ERC  November 2020~

Sing My Sheep Know My Voice, along with Zeal for Zion

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Prayer - Flows Like a River

 In Psalm 36, David, the servant of the LORD, describes the righteous and the unrighteous.

Father, we know that if we are not sure what evil people are like we can just read what David has portrayed for us:  "mouths are deceitful;" "they flatter themselves;" "they don't hate sin;" "they don't even detect it in themselves;" "they're not wise;" and they don't do good.  Even on their beds they're plotting evil; using their imaginations for orchestrating evil deeds for themselves to commit.  In addition, such a person does not reject what is wrong.

However, LORD, You reach down from Heaven, in Your faithfulness and righteousness, which are like a mighty mountain, majestic; and Your justice as broad and deep as the great depths and widths of the oceans.  Out of this greatness, LORD, You preserve both man and beast.  That is very interesting that You include the beasts but I suppose I should not be surprised, after all You created them and would care for them.  How wonderful, righteous and holy You are.

Your unfailing love is priceless.  No one could ever pay enough for it -- even those multi-billionaires of this world.  That's why You had to give it.  Freely, freely You gave.  You gave through Your Son Jesus so now, people worldwide, high and low, as they say, can find refuge under the shadow of Your wings.  We can find that refuge in You, through Jesus Christ.

There is abundance in Your house.  We can eat and drink from Your river of delights. We have seen rivers in our lifetime; some very mighty rivers  - so wide and running powerfully:  Niagara Falls; the Amazon River, to name a couple.  When there's heavy rains, the rivers flow swiftly,  roar and thunder more loudly.  Downstream becomes awash.  Water just keeps coming and coming and coming and coming.  That is what Your goodness and unfailing love is like -- so abundant.

You have given us the fountain of life.  First a river of it, now a fountain, perhaps like "Old Faithful".   Many people are looking for everlasting life, Father; everlasting youth.  However, they will only find this everlasting quality in You and Your Son Jesus Christ.  Father, may scores and scores of people come to this understanding and insight and come to Jesus in droves; accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives; accepting Your gift of love, for them.  This gift was Your way of proving Your love to mankind.

I don't believe we have to ask You to continue Your love to us but David did anyway.  If Your love is unfailing, why the need to ask You to continue?  Could it be he wanted to tell You he loved Your love and appreciated it?  Therefore, he and we too, don't want it to stop.  We want You to know.  We know You know, but now we know that You know that we know You know.

Like  that river David mentioned, its continually flowing, blessing and refreshing.  Don't let it dry up -- Let Your love, grace and mercy, Your patience, kindness and goodness to us, never fail.  Thank-You for the promise that it won't, as is said in Zephaniah 3:5,

"HE faileth not..." (KJV).

Thank-You Father.

May those who come against us, those who are so proud, they think they are great.  In actual fact, they are wicked and come against Your righteous ones; those who are called by the Name of Jesus.  Nevertheless, in the end, we know they will be fallen and thrown down.  They will not be able to rise up.  They will perish and be sent to where the devil and his minions will be sent.

We do pray for these souls who are so wicked, here and now on earth.  Once they die, it will be forever too late for them.  May they, here and now, turn from their ungodly ways, their ungodly acts and realize, Your goodness.  May Your Holy Spirit convict them of their sin and Your goodness, their need of You so that they too will have forgiveness of sins and everlasting life even though we might say they don't deserve it.

Lord, actually, none of us deserve Your love and forgiveness, nor Your kindness and goodness; yet, You give it of Your own volition because You are LOVE.  

I thank and praise You in Jesus' most holy and precious Name.

                                                  ~ERC  November 2020~

Based on Psalm 36:1-12 NIV

Sing, Peace Like a River, Kids Worship

Monday, January 25, 2021

Good Book - Isobel Kuhn


Once again, my love for missionaries and their stories prompt me to share this biography of Isobel Kuhn; otherwise known as "Belle".  She is one of my favorites.  She did her mission work under CIM-OMF.

The author, Lois Hoadley Dick, starts at the beginning (ahem, "a very good place to start"), of Belle's early growing up years; moves on to her university days and early working years; then to the main focus, her "call" and how she lived it out.

Belle grew up in a strict, conservative Christian family but lost her faith during university years, substituting the emptiness of that with frivolous things.  Eventually she was guided back to the Lord by a godly, motherly sort.  It was amazing how the Lord led her then to the "right" people and places and that, combined, planted a seed for her 'call' deeply into her heart, for the people she had fallen in love with even before she met them.  She loved and served the Lisu of Yunnan, China (and some in Burma and Thailand).

These were a despised tribal group who reacted by retreating to the furthest reaches of the mountains; to the most of inaccessible regions you could possibly imagine; and then some.  They were demon worshipers and many were possessed often by them.  Most people were scared to death to approach them.

There was very little in their culture to hook on to that would suggest a connection to having "eternity in their hearts".  Even in the Lisu legends that would get passed down from one generation to the next, from the ancient times, there was next to nothing that hinted at Biblical stories (albeit altered) in evidence, as does exist in many other cultures.  They were a tough assignment but they did love to sing...

Belle and her husband John Kuhn, served these people through thick and thin, even escaping Japanese invasions; sicknesses after sicknesses; separation from each other and from their children.  The love of Christ worked wonders all around.

So staunch was the love and care for the Lord and for the lost souls of the Lisu that all the difficulties and great challenges were overcome, at great personal sacrifice, yet with reliance and strength from God, her/their Heavenly Father, Who Belle, herself, had come to believe was truly "there".

What an incredible woman of faith!

Wouldn't you like to find out the details?

Find a copy and plunge in.  😇

                                                    ~ERC  January 2020~

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Prayer - Contend For Us


O LORD, You are ever our Contender and Defender against our enemies; those principalities and powers that are mostly invisible to us.  However, You are our salvation.  In times of trouble You are ever with us, protecting, leading, guiding with Your "sword" -- Your Holy Scriptures, the Bible, and with Your Holy Spirit, who indwells us.

The angel of the Lord pursues and drives away the enemy and when we cry out to You, "Jesus!" and "in the Name of Jesus" for Your help, You hear us and come to our rescue.

As human beings we do not always see or know of the hidden traps, pitfalls and other designs and schemes of the evil one, working directly or indirectly through influencing others of our fellow man, against those who profess the Name of Jesus and who belong to You, Father.

Therefore, we don't always know the ways You have helped us but our souls do rejoice in You and in our salvation.  Salvation from our sins and their consequences, and also salvation from the schemes of the wicked.

Rescue the poor and needy whether it is in the financial sense or in the legal sense or the health sense, and any other sense, for that matter, in which the vulnerable need Your help.  Swallow up, the wrong of others against Your people.  Don't let them gloat over the defenseless.  Indeed, put them to shame and confusion so Your people will be vindicated.

Then Your vindicated ones can praise and exalt You with gratitude and thanksgiving in their hearts as did Your servant and king-of-choice, David.  He then spoke of Your righteousness and praised You all day long because You contended for Him, over and over again.

We look forward to the day we come into Your Heavenly Home, able to freely sing Your praises and adore You continually, forever and ever.  Oh, of course, we are starting here and now.  I know we can but we forget and get distracted with Earth's cares.

Thank-You, You are such a forgiving God, and Jesus our Savior is too.  Contend for us too, as You did for the ancients.  May we forgive those who trespass against us.  David had so many people, over the years of his life, trespassing against him and not letting up.  Yet, he was forgiving.  To us it is unimageable, especially with all he went through.  Nonetheless we have it; he did.  What's more, Your Son Jesus, who went through even worse, also said, "Father, forgive them...!"  It is so hard for us, but we have these examples set before us from Your Word.  Help us!  

It's in Jesus most precious Name, we pray and praise.

                                             ~ERC November 2020~

Based on Psalm 35:1-28 NIV

Sing I AM Your Deliverance, with Karl Kohlhase

Friday, January 22, 2021

More Than Tongue Can Tell


Jesus, I love You and have every reason to do so, because You first loved me.  Your love compelled You to take beatings, mocking and scorn, on my behalf.  Your love took You all the way to the suffering upon the cross and Your death.

Worst than the torture and shame brought on by the physical hands of men and insistent demanding shouts of the Jewish crowds, was my sin.  You suffered and died in my stead.  You suffered God's wrath due to my sin and the sin of the whole human race.

Due to the sin, You suffered separation from Your Father, God.  Sin separates from God.  This was excruciating for You.  Yet Your love for me, for all mankind, kept You nailed to the cross.  You accomplished the purpose for which You had come to Earth.

You uttered, 

"Father, into Your hands I commit my Spirit."  

Your love, and obedient sacrifice gained my salvation, and bridged that gap to Your Father, that had separated me from Him.

Because of Your resurrection we can accept salvation from a living Savior and God.  As I accept Your gift of salvation and faith, I thank You with heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving, Jesus, My Savior.  I'm Yours now.

You hold me in Your hand.  Your Father too, holds me.  I believe You will never let me go as You have earned my forgiveness of sins, made me righteousness in God's sight and given me eternal life.

How good You are, Jesus, Savior.

Thank-You for the additional gift of the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit Who helps me now to show my gratitude in living to please You and to make You Lord of my life.  Not only are You my Savior but You are Lord; my Savior Jesus and my Lord Jesus.

Thank-You so much, Jesus, for laying down Your life and taking it up again, for me and all Your human creatures who choose to accept You as Savior and Lord of their lives.

We cannot thank You enough.  

Your love is more than tongue can tell!

                                                ~ERC  November 2020~

Sing Your Love is More Than Tongue Can Tell by Best Loved Gospel Hymns

Sing The Love of God along with the Gaither gang.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Sparkle & Kindle

Medical front liners are indeed heroes of these days of  Covid-19 and I do not wish to minimize their role and Heruculean efforts to save the lives of the victims and to even be their "family" in the last moments that many of the patients have.  However, there are some others that have an extra mammoth task that was thrust upon them that has taken all the super duper strength of their beings, physically, mentally and emotionally, perhaps even spiritually..  Those people are teachers.  We do not hear much about them in the news, yet they are still there, digging deeply and faithfully, into their job over and above the usual call.  From what I have seen, many have become frazzled and burnt out, and there has been much fallout because of it.

This prayer is for that sector.  

Jesus, Your love will see the school teachers through the many hotspots of teaching that have been made even hotter by the coronavirus and all it entails.  It sure is a rough ride, though.  Many boisterous waves and billows of monumental proportions.  Your love and grace buoy and sustain.  You love with an everlasting love and with Your loving kindness You can draw them to You (Jeremiah 31:3) and be wrapped in Your everlasting arms. To be still, there.

Help the educators, to actively step back and be able  to absorb Your love for them as an individual, like a dry towel absorbs moisture, and become infused with Your love, patience and peace.  Help them to have understanding and insight into Your love, that it is what their "thirsty" souls need and can delight in.  May they bask and revel in Your love and become "recharged".

Make the abstract theory of saying,  "Yes, I know Jesus loves me," become concrete and tangible to them.  Let them grasp greedily on to Your love which never changes and is forever. I know You never fail and will never fail the teachers even if they do have to step back and let others take over for a spell.  It is not failure, Father.  You do give times of rest and part of how You would love them.

In turn, may they be able to reflect Your bid of love; not to cling selfishly on to it but to share Your message of love with their charges; many of whom may well be incorrigible imps.  May this message of love swamp teacher and student alike with overwhelming and overflowing proportions so that they become constant and boisterous waves and billows, splashing joyously upon others.

May Your love then touch these souls and awaken them to You, Jesus.  Awaken them to You and Your love for them.  For them!  They have not been forgotten, tucked away at home behind the laptop and Zoom and/or hybrid classes.  May parents be grateful at the extra efforts put in with all the 'SOP's' and learning new-to-them technological "tricks" for those virtual connections.   May the students show gratitude for their teachers' love and sacrifices by actually paying attention and completing their assignments well and that by due date.

May Your love spark and ignite students to relationship with You, Jesus, as they also learn to appreciate and accept Your gift of love, sacrifice and salvation of their souls.  May Your everlasting love draw them to You.  May they then reflect Your love and kindle it in others and so on and so forth.

Thank-You for Your tidal waves of undying love, Jesus.  Let them break and splash over all of us, but especially over all the teachers as they work from their heart.  

We need You!

                                                      ~ERC  November 2020~

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Good Book - Secret of Happiness


Everyone loved and respected Billy Graham because Billy Graham loved and feared God and God's love exuded out to everyone through him.  His words had weight and he was a mighty man of God with great integrity.  But, he had a secret...

He did share it though in a book entitled, The Secret of Happiness.  Happiness is a premium, elusive "commodity" to many and they search for it often in the wrong places.  Graham explains that a person does not have to have an outside stimulus to base one's happiness upon.  

In fact, in this book, he relates that happiness can be found in the most of unusual ways and times of life.  Happiness can be found "through poverty;" "while mourning;" through meekness;" "through being hungry;" "through showing mercy;" "in purity;" "in peacemaking;" and "in spite of persecution."

Have you guessed where this comes from originally?  It's from God and is more well known as "The Beatitudes".  These Jesus taught, and those who take hold and follow them, will find that true happiness they are seeking for their souls.  Graham elaborates on how these can play out in our lives.

It has been quite sometime since reading this book and as I flip through it to write this review, I'm reminded of various aspects that I have forgotten.  Time to reread.

Billy Graham walked the talk and everyone could see his happiness in his radiant countenance and smile despite any difficult times he may have been experiencing.  You'll not only love the man but you'll love his book.  After all, it is based on the book and teachings of the One he loved; His Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.

                                                     ~ERC January 2021~

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Risen Savior


Risen Savior, Lord of all, we gladly come to You with our praise and thanksgiving on this Lord's Day.  We rejoice and are glad for the salvation You provided for those of us who are Your followers.  Those of us, who through faith in You and the work You accomplished on our behalf, we can praise You forever.

You are in our midst as we gather by two's and three's even in this time of Covid-19.  We are not daunted.  As we read Your word, obey it, and pray to glorify You and our Heavenly Father, our hearts are warmed and burst with praise and joy.

Jesus, as You appeared to Cleopas and friend along the way to Emmaus, as You opened their understanding and insight and later that of the gathered apostles and disciples when You appeared in their midst, they had gladness of heart and worshiped You, even as they watched You ascend back into Heaven days afterwards.  They praised and worshipped because You are alive.  You are risen.  They were forgiven.

Your love flowed out to them.  Your love flows to us too in our day and age.  Even though we do not see You with our physical eyes, we know Your presence with us.  As our faith increases, so too, inexpressible and glorious joy.  You gave us salvation for our souls (1 Peter 1:8 & 9).

In consequence, we gladly partake of the broken bread and drink of the wine, emblems signifying Your work of salvation for us.  We now serve You, our risen Lord and Savior.

We joyfully joy in You, our God, as we sing of Your love, and  pray and praise in Your Name, Lord Jesus.


                                                   ~ERC November 2020~

Sing,  I Serve a Risen Savior, acappella, Blue Rock Mennonite Youth.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Prayer - The Righteous Cry Out


Lord, at times we get ourselves into predicaments because we needed somewhere to shelter, to hide and/or to rest; a place of refuge.  For example, in David's case as he recorded in Psalm 34, You provided such a place under the wing of King Abimelech who was actually an enemy of the Israelites.

Then how was he to un-entangle himself from this king?  At times, Lord, You turn up the heat, making our situation untenable, converging to compelling us to move on as was David's case.  How, though, was he to get away?

He had to make out that he had finally gone over the edge and become insane.  He made himself, dribble and drool and didn't shave; presenting a very disreputable, unpresentable repulsive sight.

King Abimelech let him go pretty quickly and so David went.

David rejoices.

Perhaps David could have found his escape in some other way but that was the way he chose.

Lord, David boasts in You.  He glorifies You.  He said he sought You and You delivered him from all his fears.

There were many reasons for David to fear.  Real fears from King Saul and King Abimelech, to name a couple.  Nevertheless, Father, when a person looks to You, their faces can shine in trust because You have shone Your face upon them.  Thus, David's cause for relief and rejoicing.

He and we did and do not have to have our faces covered in shame.  No doubt David felt a lot of shame because he was acting the fool, maybe he even felt like he was mocking those who were truly intellectually challenged.  So his face had been covered in shame but You helped him to uncover it and to look radiant; to look up to You with unveiled face.  He had called to You; You heard him, You saved him.  That is heady stuff.  Confidence in you spiked again.  No wonder David was glad and heaps praise upon You.

Father, Your angel encamps around each of us who fear You.  He helps to deliver them.  Thank-You, Father.  You delight to work in tandem with Your people.  

We have to experience this for ourselves as David said, 

"O taste and see, that the LORD is good".

Indeed You are good, Heavenly Father.  When we do these, we will be blessed.  David knew it.  He wanted his readers to know too.

Father, I want to taste and see You.  May I not fear the circumstances I may have to persevere through to do so.  May my fear only be in You.  May my refuge only be in You.

As we gain more understanding and knowledge of You, the greater our insight can be of You and Your ways, Father God.  We can learn to put our faith, hope and trust, in ever increasing measures, in You.  You will not fail us.

In so doing, we will then have a message of Your love and grace and goodness as David had and explains for us in this Psalm 34.  He has documented all this in his "Journey's Journal & Jottings".

David was wise because he feared and revered You, his Refuge.  He wanted others to do the same because when we have fear of You, we will lack nothing.  We will become more wise in Your wisdom as You are the source of all wisdom.  We bow to You.

Again, we will not lack any good thing.  We may lack some things but not good things.  We may think that the things we lack are good things but Lord, we know that You supply all our need abundantly,  Therefore, we cannot find fault.

How do we fear You?  David says You would teach those who love life.  If we love life, Lord yes, we look up to You, we want to go to be with You someday soon.  However, if we love life we won't be thinking of death, causing our own death or someone else's.

Lord, we can have spiritual death, emotional death, besides physical death.  Lord, through life's troubles, even as David's troubles were:  big and great and real, having to flee for his life.  We can see that he loved his life.  He fled so he could retain his life.

If he had feared Abimelech, if he'd feared Saul so much that he was emotionally stymied with paralyzing fear and panic so he could not think wisely,  that would not have been 'life'.  Rather, he put his fear in You; his hope and trust in You.  That gave him life and impetus to flee and preserve his physical life.

So, this is not a vicious a cycle, but a cycle in which he fears You, loves life, so he can fear You some more, to see many good days, and so on.

David did indeed see many good days.  His life was not cut short by mankind.  In fact, he lived to be 70 years old and died of natural causes.  What a worshiper of Yours, he was, Father.  Thank-You, many times over for his example to us.  Indeed he had great wisdom; no wonder his son Solomon valued the character and asked for an extra dose.

David said to keep our tongues from evil and our lips from speaking lies.  He could have said a lot against King Saul who was bent on killing him but he would not slander him.  He could also have said much against Abimelech; we don't read of any.  

Even when David got the news report that King Saul had died in battle, he did not speak evil of the dead.  He chastised the messenger who brought the report of Saul's death.  The messenger had thought he'd be rewarded greatly by this "breaking news flash bulletin".  He was greatly mistaken.

David would not speak evil of the Lord's anointed.  This one that You, Father God had allowed to be placed into a position of power and authority; no matter how good or bad he had been.  So he kept his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking lies.  

This is such a HUGE lesson to us nowadays Father, when news we hear is so very disturbing and perpetrated by those in power acting so very unseemly.  Keep our lips and tongue pure for You, no matter how tempting it is to speak the opposite.

King David turned from evil and did good instead.  He sought peace and pursued it, for all he was a man of war.  You had even told him he was a bloody man and therefore could not build the Temple for You (1 Chronicles 28:3).

Here he was talking about seeking peace and pursuing it.  He was Your man of the hour, to help the Israelites conquer the Promised land more fully after Joshua's conquering.  Yet, in his heart, David was a man of peace.  

Recall his upbringing.  He preferred the backside of the desert with all the sheep; more quiet and tranquil hours.  Here he was in the fray for a great deal of his life after he was anointed king of Israel by Samuel.  His life really did an about turn. Likely, never in his wildest dreams, did he think he'd be Your "man" and "king", Father.  Yet, he had to go through so much torment until then.

These sorts of things happen to us nowadays too.  Therefore, David's wise words are so very wise for us.  He told us that if we want to fear the LORD, we need to love life, keep our tongues from evil and our lips from speaking lies too.  We need to turn from evil and do good, to seek peace and pursue it.

Oh Father, we need Your Holy Spirit's help to convict us, to lead, guide and remind us when we are sorely tempted to lash out especially in the midst of disagreements or when others mistreat us.  I know, we have free will to choose Your way but our hears are deceitful.

Your eyes Father are on the righteous and Your ears are attentive to their cry.  David found this to be so.  He want all to know too.

When a person lives an honorable, pleasing life in Your eyes, Your eyes will be on that righteous person.  From this comes our help.  Your face is against evil, You cut off the memory of them from the earth.

Your eyes are on the righteous.  Sounds like the blessing you asked Aaron to bless over the whole multitude of Israelites every night--like a bedtime prayer.  A benediction.  Continue to,

"Turn Your face towards us and give us peace" (Numbers 26:24-26).

When we do keep our tongues from evil and lips from speaking lies and we turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it, then we can be righteous and we cry out, You hear us and deliver.  David's themes he often wrote about time and again, so all may know and also reveled in and praised You.

He was a man of praise, that's for sure and of worship because of all the wonderful ways You have helped him in his life.  He had been brokenhearted. He had lost son after son--four of them because of his own sin with Bathsheba.  He knew what it was like to be broken hearted.  That he brought on by his own unrighteous acts.  He was crushed in spirit.  Through this he'd learned an immense lesson.

Perhaps he was ever heart broken when one of his best friends and wise counselor turned from him to Absalom his son, who'd stolen the people's hearts away from David, his father.  He knew then, Father, what it must be like to You, when he sinned against You.  Agonizing.

Of course, in the context of this Psalm, the story of David's manipulating Abimelech to let him leave his jurisdiction, this may have also broken David's heart to pretend he was insane.  It would also bring shame to him.

He'd learned that a righteous man has many troubles but that You deliver.  May we all do what is right in Your eyes, being obedient to all Your commands and promises that You gave to Moses.  When people do what is right they will be blessed.  Nevertheless, here David remembered something very curious:  

"...the righteous will have may troubles".

Remember Daniel?  He was a man of prayer yet his praying got him into trouble.  Lord, even Your son Jesus, the Perfect man of God was crucified.  You forsook Him because of our (mankind's) sins.  Yet You did deliver Him, not from death and suffering but he rose again to give life for all mankind--conquering death and sin's degradation and punishment.

You protected all His bones and not one was broken.  You protected David's bones too.  Not one broken.  When he ran for his life, running over precarious terrain, etc, perhaps he tripped and fell injuring himself but not breaking any bone.

Lord, there are times in our deep troubles, that even, we, the righteous (in Your sight), and who do try to live according to Your will, to please You, sometimes we do get into injuries along the way:  health problems; relationship problems, or other things.  These feel like the pain of a broken bone.

Pondering on that phrase leads one to see that it appears to be a prophecy about Your Son Jesus, Father.  The One who died upon the cross for us.  Not a one was broken.  He was pierced for our iniquities; stricken, smitten and afflicted but His bones were not broken.  He was still whole.  He was the most righteous Man who ever walked this earth.  In fact, the only One.  Jesus was, and still is,  fully righteous and holy; 100%.  He endured all that trouble for us on the cross out of love for us.  He brought us life.

Those who follow evil ways, that evil will slay them.  If they do not repent and turn from those evil ways, that is, and come to Jesus, who died for them.  He who took the punishment for their sins upon the cross.

Even one of the criminals who was crucified at the same time as Jesus did repent.  He asked Jesus to remember him when He came into His kingdom.  Jesus told him that that day he'd be with Him in paradise.

Father, we ask, as David did, turn the wicked from their evil ways so they won't be eternally lost.  

We cringe for the wicked who do not turn, those enemies of Your righteous people, Lord, turn them aside.  Stop the harassments, foil their plans.  We know they will be condemned in the end.  All these wicked, evil people.  however, they still have a chance while there is life in their bones.  Where there is life, there is hope for them to repent, and in faith come to Jesus no matter how wretched they may be, or evil their deeds.

May they come to Jesus.  To Jesus, the very One they are tormenting because You redeem Your servants, Lord.  You have redeemed us through Jesus' work on the cross.


"Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it.  His child and for ever, I am."

Jesus, thank-You.  Thank-You for Your love.  That love which conquers all.  It conquered us and made us righteous in your Father, God's sight.  Your Father who was and is satisfied with Your complete work on the cross.

Now none of us can be condemned who have come to You and accepted your gift of salvation.  now we have forgiveness of sins.  It's like You don't ever see those sins anymore.  Therefore, NO ONE can condemn us.  NO ONE can accuse us to Hell.

You, Father, are satisfied when we take Refuge in You and we will not be condemned.

I praise and thank You.

Thank-You for the words David wrote so long ago as he was escaping from Abimelech.  He put his hope, faith and trust in you even as he had to run for his life.

Lord, we too, nowadays, may have to run for our lives to escape evil situations.  However, we can still trust in You; fear You, put our reverence and respect in You through Jesus, Who made it all possible.

I give You thanks and praise You in Jesus' Name.

                                                 ~ERC  November 2020~

Based on Psalm 34.

Sing, Redeemed How I Love To Proclaim It, by the Gaither Homecoming.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Prayer - Joyful Noise of Singing

Jesus, we, Your followers, put our hope in Your unfailing love and trust in Your holy Name.  In You we rest.  In You we sing our "joyful noise" of songs of praise and worship to You and all You have done for us through Your death and resurrection.

We sing our songs joyfully even if not always tunefully.  Accept our praise as God, Your heavenly Father has made us righteous because of the redemption work You accomplished on the cross and our faith, also a gift from Him, to believe it. 

Your Word has brought us what is right and true; has brought us justice; has brought us the breathtaking and intriguing designs of Your creation.

May Your people everywhere fear You in reverence and adoration for the mighty divine power and name above all names You have.  Thank You for being on our side, working for us, "foiling plans of the nations and "thwarting the purposes of the peoples".

You allow democracy.  Yet we are in Your Kingdom and heading for the consummation of Your Kingdom to be set up on Earth some day in the near future and we will reign with You.

Before that, we look forward to spending time with You in Heaven where we can fully worship You without distractions and in full purity of heart and lips, offering up continual sacrifices of praise with or without musical instruments accompanying.

Your plans, LORD, stand firm and so we can put our hope and trust in You.  Blessed are all of us who do so; even nations, who choose You as their inheritance.

How many do though, Father?

You look down from Heaven and see; You consider our the ways of the people of the Earth.  Many of the nations trust in themselves and their own strength of brawn and brain.  They do not realize, or want to believe or admit that,  that deliverance comes from You alone.

Jesus, we are blessed when we focus our trust and hope upon You.  We meet Your eyes as You look upon those of us who fear You and put their hope in You.  Your love warms our hearts and souls and helps us to persevere.

We wait for You to call us up to You to be "with Christ" for ever.  Be our help and shield until then.

While we wait for Your trumpet blast, may we continue to be singing joyful, day-by-day, songs of praise, to You; Jesus our Redeemer, Friend, and Savior.

In You we can certainly place our trust.

Sing, Christians; sing and praise, in Jesus' Name.

                                                   ~ERC  November 2020~

Based on Psalm 33:1-22 NIV

Sing, Since I have Been Redeemed...Islington Baptist Church

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Good Book - Lost In the Amazon


If you would like some excitement in your life, try reading Lost In the Amazon.*  It is a true story of a professional wildlife photographer named Stephen Kirkpatrick.  He and four others got lost in the jungles of the Amazon but lived to tell the tale.  Or rather, as told by Kirkpatrick's wife, Marlo Carter Kirkpatrick.

Kirkpartrick had been tasked to document never-before-seen wildlife but with faulty maps, decisions and torrential rains, etc, they got hopelessly lost in the amazing maze of Amazon rainforest.

This photographer's faith in God and perseverance, helped him in his wandering in the absolute dark of dark nights, avoid being fatal fodder for insects and other jungle fauna, and being stuck in thick sticky mud, among the other obstacles and challenges that beset them.  

Then there was "the voice" of hope in the midst of their desperate living nightmare,

"You'll get out."

Was it real?  Or just wishful thinking illusion? 

I won't tell you how they did get out; that you will have to explore for yourselves, except to say...oh no, I won't say it.

But how was that to be accomplished?  Did the precious cameras and rolls of film (yes, from that era), full of "captured" exotic flora, as well as fauna, survive the swamping in the river and rivulets of sweat the constantly braised them?  How did these experiences change these men:  for better or for worse?   Could men really be so emotional?

Your hearts will be in your throats as you bushwhack right along with the men in this true expedition experience that went awry.

It is believed that you will find this a very worthwhile read.

                                                     ~ERC  January 2021~

*(This particular chronicle is not to be confused with another of the same name but by a Todd Olson.)

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Anger Turned to Rejoicing


Father, the fire of Your wrath burned so hot.  Yet in Psalm 30, verse 5, David says, Your "anger lasts only for a moment".  How terrible the intensity of that anger it must have been though.

When we look up to the cross where our Savior bore the full brunt of Your wrath for our sins, we can only praise Your holy Name in deep, deep gratitude and thanksgiving.

There were those three dark hours where Jesus suffered for our sakes.  Those hours must have felt like an eternity to Him, not "a moment" for He was separated from You, oh Holy God!  You had to hide Your face from Your one and only begotten Son, whom You loved more than tongue or pen can tell.

We are dismayed at this.  Nevertheless we know You were satisfied with Jesus and His work of buying our pardon on the cross.  Indeed, You have turned "weeping...into...rejoicing" and this we know will last a lifetime.

Any who have accepted this sacrifice, this gift of salvation, feel the solace in what Jesus has done for us.  He went down into that pit but He did not see decay.  You did not give Him the mercy on the cross. He gained only the answer of silence from these heart - piercing cries,

"My God, My God why have You forsaken Me" (Matthew 27:46; Psalm 22:1; and Psalm 24:9)?

Yet this non-mercy supplied the mercy You now show us.  We can cry for mercy and You hear our cry.  You help us and turn our sorrow into joy.  May our hearts ever sing Your praises and NOT be silent.   We will exalt You, oh Lord God, above the heavens.  We praise You and look forward to praising You for all eternity to come; our God, our Savior, our Redeemer and Friend.  In You we certainly can trust and never be shaken.

Keenly, we meditate upon this work You have accomplished for us, as it is so profound.  Humbly then, we partake of the broken bread, and drink of the cup of wine, and pass these emblems of Your suffering, Jesus, one to another.  We thank You too, from the bottom of our hearts and souls, as Your Holy Spirit teaches us and guides us in Your will and ways for our lives of service and good deeds for You.  We are so relieved we will not have to ever face Your Father's anger, ever again.  Joy and rejoicing has been brought to us and this we have for ever and ever.  How great You are, our Savior God!  It is well with our souls!

In Jesus Name we pray and thankfully praise.

                                                   ~ERC  November 2020~ 

Based on Psalm 30

Sing I Exalt Thee, Integrity's Hosanna

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Prayer - Fathomless Love


Heavenly Father, Your love is so vast and deep.  We love You but of course You first loved us.  Your love is so fathomless; bottomless; deeper than any mighty ocean; higher than any of the highest mountains we have here on Earth.  It is wider than, and goes farther round, than the East is from the West.

Yet, the globe of Your immeasurable design and how it fits into the great expanse of its universe, is so COLASSAL to us that even with the most powerful of telescopes, we human beings can see no end of it all, in its cosmic sights.  By stark contrast, it is but a drop of water in a bucket to You; insignificant, in some ways.

Your love Father is so much bigger than all of that; Your thoughts, too!  It is astounding to cogitate upon.  Our human minds get blown and cannot comprehend it all. That's why, when You do things for us, out of love, we often  cannot understand.

However, You had (& still have) such great love that You sent Your Son to this earth, making it Your focal point.  All this out of Your love for Your human creatures with whom You wished (& still wish) to find relationship and companionship.

When Jesus came to us, the power of evil and hate against Him was a force to reckon with but yet, Father, You conquered all, through Jesus' death and resurrection.  What a mighty power that was!  And still is!  Satan could not stand against the force and purity of it!  Neither could all his minions, even though they had "set a trap" for Him.

All those Sanhedrin members who were so bent on getting rid of Jesus with the aid of Judas Iscariot and along with the Romans, nailed Jesus to the cross.  Your love, not the nails, kept Jesus up there.  It was Your love for us, that even the boundless expanse of the oceans of Earth could not (& still cannot) measure up to it.

Then Jesus committed His Spirit to You; into Your hands.  He trusted You.  His whole life was that of submitting to You and Your will, perfectly.  In life and in death, He submitted to You.

This so You could redeem the incorrigible souls of the human creatures You had made and who had made a mess of this by their disobedience to Your will and commands.

Now, Father, we can claim You as our Rock and Fortress, as David did in Psalm 31.  He went to You again and again and tested Your love, tested Your promises, and tested Your protection, and concluded You are a "strong fortress".  You stood the tests.

You lead and guide us, Your chosen sons and daughters through Jesus', guiding us through Your Holy Spirit.

Father, "worthless idols"...many of us do "cling to worthless idols".  Whether it is the actual idol, statue, replica of various gods or goddesses; or whether its the idol of money or pornography, gambling or fornication and adultery; or other types of sexual immortality; or of placing a loved one, live or deceased, on a pedestal; or of a dog, or cat, even; these are worthless idols that we should never allow to be worshiped or to govern our lives. 

Sometimes, even our parents, who always seemed to have been there and are now, NOT.  We realize how much we relied on them.  How much we turned to them with every little thing.  Father, that's what You want from us.  You strongly desire we turn to You "with every little thing".  David seemed to have learned that.

He was always talking about You and writing songs about You that read like prayers to You.  He doesn't mind asking You for things like, Your being merciful to him in his distress.

Father, there is so much in this world that distresses, so I thank You for David's example that we too can cry out to You to be merciful and in our anguish that might, at times, threaten to consume us.  That anguish and even years of groaning, so that the strikes of it almost make our hearts fail.

Nevertheless, we beseech You to raise us up.  As a song says, "You raise me up, to stand on mountains, through all the vast and stormy seas.  Then we can stand tall on Your shoulders above it all."  We can be like that lamb, that one out of one hundred sheep still precious to it's shepherd.  It had gone astray and been lost but the shepherd found it and put it on his shoulders to carry home.

Father, You made Jesus to be our Good Shepherd and we are precious to Him.  He sought us until He found us.  We praise You.

We too have enemies as Jesus did and still has.  Those who hold us in contempt.  Sometimes even our friends will leave and forsake us, but we know that You will never ever do so.

David said he'd become like "broken pottery" in verse 12.  People throw broken pottery away.  We may be "like broken pottery" but Father, You are the Potter and we the clay.  Clay with You molding and making us according to Your will.  Don't let us be broken Lord by our stubborn will resisting Your shaping.  Don't let us go off in our own way as that "lost" sheep did cuz then we may become broken and wander away in loss of faith.  However, if it comes to our brokenness, come and seek us.

Now all the contempt, all the slander, all the terror that evil doers conspire and plot against Your people just as they did against Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Don't let it break any of us but bring growth; flourishing life.  We do not want to be shaken so violently that we lose faith.  Have mercy on us oh LORD.  Keep us.  Give us courage to stand on Your promises, on Your Word and on You, Yourself.

We will trust in You because You are our God.  All our times are in Your hands.  Father, You know the number of our days and You know what each of Your "sheep" are going through.  Our times are in Your hands.

Help us to submit and rest in You and in Your LOVE that knows no bounds.  This, especially when people pursue us.  May our faces still shine and reflect Your love and care for us.

May we experience the satisfaction of knowing that with You, all things are possible.  That Your unfailing love will save.  That You won't let us be put to shame because of Your Name but You will shame the wicked, the enemy.  You will silence their lips.

Lord, I don't necessarily mean, silence them in death, as even in life You have Your ways of silencing folks.  You can stop them from assaulting Your people with their nasty verbal garbage; missiles aimed at pulling down and/or destroying Your child.

May their pride, contempt and arrogance against the righteous all over the world, be stopped.  May there no longer be attempts to undermine You, Your Name nor Your people.

Even Your people, at least those who claim to belong to You, are sometimes seen on the news praying battle prayers against the wickedness of one political party or another, or even against individuals You have placed in authority, praying prayers that besmirch You and Your people.  Or, how about are seen laughing like a fool and attempting to instigate their congregations to follow suit.  Seems more like mockery.  Why must they flaunt You in this way?  They seem to be putting You to the test.

OH Father, help us.  Help us!  Have mercy on us, I cry out to You.  Everything is in such a muddle.  We NEED Your intervention!

May we be less like the Pharisee who flaunted his prayers and more like the Publican who prayed in humility.  No, I did NOT, say, "republican," Father.  I said, "Publican," the tax collector fellow.  The one others had looked down upon back in Jesus' time on Earth.

May we humbly repent as the tax collector did.  May we humbly go home satisfied that You have heard us, that You care about us and that we have repented and You have forgiven.

How great is Your goodness!  Your goodness, just as vast and fathomless as your love, because You are Good.  Your love, mercy and goodness endure forever.

I like the picture painted in the words "Your goodness is stored up".  The vast store of it, kept for those who love You; doled out in never-ending portions, as needed.  Stores of provision for those for whom You have made righteous through Jesus and who have taken refuge and shelter in You.  Now we can also hide in Your presence (vs 20).  In Your dwelling You will keep us safe from accusing tongues.

Father, there have been and still are, so many of Your people who have been falsely accused, especially in lands where they are blatantly persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.  Lord, may they sense Your presence there with them and working on their behalf.  Your presence available for them to hide in the shadow of Your wings.

All praise be to You our God and Father for showing us Your wonderful, proven love by sending Jesus.  Thank-You!

Let us never be cut off from Your sight, out of Your sight range.  We know we never could be.  We praise You for this.

Howbeit, sometimes we do feel like we are cut off when we pray and ask for certain things that are even Your desire, like salvation of our loved ones and relatives, who for years have been holding out against Your love, goodness and relationship with You through Jesus, and do not wish to come to Christ; at least, yet, and as far as we know.

Father, what is the "ice-breaker" for that?  Give us ideas, we plead.  We need the "ice-breaker".  May Your Holy Spirit convict and work actively with our family members.  Convict them of Your goodness and righteousness and great love for them; of their sins and their need of Jesus and relationship with You.  This, before it is forever, too late.

We call to You, LORD.  Help us.  May your love permeate through us to our unsaved relatives, so that we can say, that they have become followers of Jesus Christ; Your sons and daughters; saints, "sheep" grazing in Your pastures.

Additionally, that Your love is a holy aura upon them, anointing them and like precious incense wafting back up to You in gratitude. 

May they be more faithful to You than they are to their worthless idols now.  Change their alliances, cut off the useless soul ties that bind, and preserve their souls so they can be strong in You; to have blessed ties with You.  May they take heart and hope in You. 

What a Happy New Year that would be for us all!

Father, may all your children be like this!  May our hope be in You and Your fathomless love for it is in You we can trust and hope; our ever Faithful One.  You never fail (Zephaniah 3:5).  Your grace and goodness, never fail.

You are good.

I thank-You and praise You in the precious Name of Jesus. 

                                                   ~ERC  November 2020~

Based on Psalm 31:1-24 NIV

Sing, How Deep the Father's Love For Us, as sung by Selah

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Good Books - The Dave & Neta Jackson - Missionary Stories

I have always loved missionary stories and was introduced to them at an early age by my parents.  So to find these delightful, thrilling adventures written for the 8-12 year old range of children was a great blessing.  Of course, these can be interesting for adult readers too.  Historic fiction, I believe the genre would be.

Each book highlights one missionary journey, telling his or her story which, does involve some "salt and pepper".  That is, a child usually around the age of 8-12, becomes attached in some way to the missionary, which likely did not actually happen in real life. 

For example, from the book Shanghaied to China, a young boy is, well, shanghaied aboard a ship bound for China.  He'd been observing the fascinating activity down at the docks early one morning, where he had had no business being without a chaperone, and got abducted.  Then he was in a tight spot.  Hudson Taylor (a missionary of renowned), just so happened to be on board and so he and the lad cross paths and a friendship of worth develops.

As these are Christian books, the faith aspect comes in to play as well.  The young character learns valuable life lessons and of life in Christ.  Additionally, the reader gets glimpses into the life of a missionary, in general.  The joys, heartbreaks, the culture shock, and the living "by faith", that serving the Lord encompasses.

These few books shown in the picture above, are among about 30 others, also written by Dave & Neta Jackson and published by Bethany House Publishers.

They are an excellent way to introduce a child to the workings of a man or woman of God, working in tandem with the Lord for the extension of His Kingdom.  One will never know what sparks could be ignited in the young ones' hearts that will stay with him or her for life and foster their relationship with their Lord and Savior, and into service for Him, by reading even one of them.


                                                   ~ERC  December 2020~