Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Through the Lattice


Peering out through my bedroom window and the decorative lattice to the world beyond, there was satisfing beauty to behold.  Spring had sprung, the grass was 'riz', birds chirped to each other, flitting busily to and fro.  Oh, look, there's a robin!

How cheering!  "I love to see robins!"  I said to myself, "It really is Spring!"

From the robins my eyes wandered to the daffodils, or as Bertram liked to say, "Daffy dills".  His favorite were the tulips, which when he said their name, we both knew he  was  actually saying, "Two lips" - his and mine, together.  The good humor man...

Smiling now, I  noted the hues of the  tulips; lovely pastel pinks and powder  blues.  Bertram's insistance, of course; so traditional:  pink for the ladies, blue for the gentlemen.  He had planted them when the twins, Natalie and Nathan, had  been born.

Grown now, I  mused, just like the beauty emanating off the flowers, blending their hues.  Children grown to wonderful adulthood.  My eyes roamed further about the garden - a feast for the eyes really.  Each birthday, a new type of glorious splendor added, creating a living, evolving bouquet array below!

Just then, as if he knew I was thinking of him and looking out the lattice, Bertram emerged from 'round the side of the house, grinning impishly up at me, holding out his favorite flower and sending me a 'fly-kiss' promise.  I grinned back and gave a little wave.

Sighing contentedly, I turned reluctantly from  the window scene but went about my daily chores with right good will.  Bertram was a good man who kept the flower of our love and relationship tilled to its best.  

"Thank-You, Lord, for such a husband."

                                                        ~ERC  October 2021~

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