Monday, March 7, 2022

Jehovah Shammah - Our Friend


The God of all comfort is the One to know and to have on your side.  It's the blessed person who the Lord stands by.  For instance, like the apostle  Paul.  The Lord stood by him and said,

"Don't be afraid.."  (Acts 21:11 GoodNews).

Paul had been arrested and  placed in the Roman fort for safe keeping.  There was a death threat on his head.  Fellow Jews wanted his  blood, in earnest.  Here he was, incarcerated for his faithfully proclaiming the message of Jesus and God's grace but perhaps now somewhat depressed, lonely and feeling set aside.

This we can only surmise.  God in His great love and  compassion for His treasure Paul, comes and "stands by Paul".  Friends.  He encourages Paul.  Like saying, this is not the end of the road,

"Don't be afraid!  You have given your witness for Me here in Jerusalem, and you must also do the same in Rome" (Acts 23:11 GoodNews).

God gives Paul comfort and courage.  He also validated Paul's faithfulness in  his testifying in Jerusalem, praising His son and friend Paul and giving him the stamp of His approval.  God, Friend of Paul, gives him a further word of encouragement, and mission - testifying in Rome.  God knew Paul's heart, and Paul knew God's; it was what they each wanted most to do.

This was much more than a patronizing pat on the back!  This was compassionate comfort and continuance of God's approval of Paul, Paul's faithfulness and support for further ministry.

Do you know, this was not the first time God appeared to Paul.  In Acts 18:8 & 9, God gave Paul a vision of the Lord and also said those words, "don't be afraid..."  He assured Paul that He was with him,  he  would not be harmed and that there was  still much work for Paul to do in that particular city.  Paul then stayed for 1 1/2 years, 

"teaching the people the word of God."

God was still on his side; never leaving nor forsaking despite what the current circumstances may have appeared to be.  God gave Paul rest of heart, mind and strength.  He could carry on in the comfort of this knowledge.

May this same God of all comfort be with each one of us; allow Him to be by your side, in your life.  I believe that God stands by us throughout our good times and also through the uncertainties and difficult times of our lives.  Let us all be encouraged in the Lord.  He knows.  He loves.  He cares.  He comforts.  He's there with you, with us, because He is our 'Jehovah Shammah'*.

                                                   ~ERC  November 2021~

Based on Acts 23:11 NIV/GoodNews.

Sing, I've a Friend in Jesus, along with Acapeldridge.

*Jehovah Shammah = God  is there (here).

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