Saturday, March 26, 2022

About God's Discipline


Blessed Family

Over time, persevering parents produce more proper progeny when discipline is appropriately apportioned out.  Painful for parents but most prodigious for the children.  Children, of course, may not agree at the time, however, after careful years of constancy, a well-discipline child turned to responsible adulthood has been  produced.  That is the hope and prayer of most parents.

The heart of disobedient children taught, molded and shaped  to become  obedient will  learn, in time to also obey the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.  Part of the discipline is the training in God's Word and the parents' faithful obedience to it is imperitive.  Teaching the child to take responsibility to obey of their own heart's desire, and knowing there are consequences to  sin as a motivator.

Loving parents will discipline as does our loving Heavenly Father.  If parents do not discipline, one may question if they are the true parents.  If our Father in heaven does not discipline His children through Jesus, then the same doubt could be raised, are we truly His children?  The onus is on His children in this case.

If you study the history of the children of Israel and God's dealings with them, you'll see that He did not ignore them when they were wrong.  He saw the wrong and gave warnings on how to go right.  He spoke of what would happen if they rebelliously insisted on turning their hearts away from Him.

Disaster did descend in full blown devastation.  The walls of Jerusalem, the Temple, and their houses smashed to rack and ruin while the people were led away to Babylon for 70 years.

"You want to worship other gods," said God, "then there you go - Bablyon is just the place to do that!  You did not look out for the poor, needy, widow or fatherless but in fact, rained injustice after injustice upon them, so you will now know what it is like in Babylon when injustice is perpetually perpetrated upon yourselves," was God's futher decree.  Tough love, they call it.

This was not said or done in vengeance but in loving, caring discipline for the good of His children.  They did learn their lesson too.  They did  get restored and brought back to their Promised Land once again.  At least, the descendants of those original captives taken into exile, did.

Did you also notice that it was the leadership of Israel and Judah that provoked God to such severely harsh discipline? He'd given multiple warnings and chances to repent but as a nation, they did not heed.  The leadership's heart had turned away in increments and caused a whole nation to sin  and be disobedient!  That's something like Psalm 1's stand, sit, mock; a gradual but definite slide down and away.

What a huge burden of responsibility upon church leadership even today but it all starts with the leadership in our Christian homes.  Christian husbands and fathers are you taking up your spiritual responsibility?  Christian wives and mothers are you being supportive?  Let us each examine ourselves and become obedient and sincere, lifelong faithful followers of Jesus Christ, the Word of God and of sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Persevere in parenting, in leadership and in turning peoples' hearts towards the  Lord, keeping short accounts  with Him that "little" things which would  lead one astray do not become big things.  Instead, be that mighty man or woman of God who leads and influences aright, for our children and for the children of  God.

Discipline so that the Lord does not have to do it.  As Paul wrote to Timothy,

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one  approved..." (2 Timothy 2;15 NIV).

Our Heavenly Father will remain faithful (2 Timothy 2:13) even if we don't remain faithful to Him.  Due to His faithfulness, He will discipline.  Don't be surprized.  If we are not sure of the why's, read God's Word, search the Scriptures which are able to make you wise and are good for instruction, reproof  and admonishment as well as encouragment, comfort and hope.  When we read more, and obey it more, then we will  know more of what God's will is and we can walk in His ways needing less corrective discipline.  May each of our Heavenly Father's children know His loving restoration, refining, rekindling, reforming, redeeming, rebuilding and rescuing in our repentant lives.  

All glory be to God.

                                                 ~ERC  February 2022~

Based on Topical Series Restoring God's People by Stephen Armstrong podcase.  Verse by Verse Ministry International.

Sing, Make Me a Blessing, along with Children Ministry.

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