Saturday, March 5, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer of Triumphant Victory

O Father God, You are such a gracious and compassionate God!  You brought us victiory through Your Son Jesus Christ.  Absolutely no weapon that the devil forged against Jesus, prevailed.  No indeed!  Jesus died, was buried, but rose again!  Jesus is alive!  
Death and hell  could not hold Him!  Death has no longer any sting.  Jesus got the victory over death.  And we who believe in Jesus Christ, through faith in Him, with  sins washed away and forgiven by Jesus and the indwelling of Your Holy spirit, have this same victory.  

Praise the Lord!

Even though people and the evil one forge all manner of false accusations and weapons against us, they too will not prevail because in Christ we have Your vindication and victory. Thank-You, Father.

Therefore, this beautiful Lord's Day, we once again have opportunity to remember Jesus' work of redemption, vindication and defeat of Satan which He wrought for us upon that old rugged cross.  Wondrous for us but excruciating for Jesus, our forever victorious Savior.

We give  You thanks as we pass the emblems of bread and cup of wine one to another, remembering the mighty triumph over Your, and our, foes. Thank-You Father for providing such a heritage as this for Your servants through Jesus.

In Your Son Jesus' wonderful name we give You thanks and  praise."

                                                  ~ERC  March 2022~

Based on Isaish 54:16-17 NIV.
Sing, Up From the Grave, along with Islington Baptist Church

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