Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Book Review - D. N. A. of Communion - 75 Day Devotional - By S. Sylvi Anderson - Publication Date: 30 November 2022

Most followers of Jesus Christ will have  'taken communion' as  some  people term it.  Others call it 'the Breaking of Bread' or 'the Remembrance'.  This service is  to recall to our minds weekly or as often as we can, what  Jesus Christ has suffered in gaining salvation for us.  Yet, at times, we are oblivious to what all is involved in what Jesus has accomplished for us.  Just what are we remembering?

This 75 Day Devotional unpacks different aspects and according to the author, leads the reader into greater understanding of the believer's "Divine and Natural Authority" in Christ.  Each day is set  up with focus verses  for both the bread and cup of wine, followed by a short devotion and prayer, or prayer starter.  The author, I feel, has captured the essence  of what  we Christians can and do experience in the spiritual realms of our Jesus life.  May each of of us who read this book come closer to Christ through these writings. 

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                March 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent to me by and Author Assistant, Aurora Publicity.  I in no way gain from this review except to learn more of Christ, spiritually.

D.N.A = Divine & Natural Authority

Read review on Goodreads.

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