Thursday, March 10, 2022



History explains to us that the Greek Marcus Antonius Felix, the Roman procurator of the Judean Province (c. born 5-10AD), was in office from 52-60 AD.  He was married to the "stolen" wife Drusilla and was known to have reigned very cruelly and  operated from personal "lust, greed and expectations of grandeur".

Yes, this is the Felix before whom we see Paul appear to testify.  He actually called Paul multiple times in the hope of a handout bribe.  Nothing doing, from Paul.

Paul, not one to waste an opportunity, nailed it on the head with his "speeches".  Look at what he discoursed about with Felix in Acts 24:24-27, especially verse 25 (NIV).  He spoke about, 

" in Christ Jesus...righteousness,  self-control and judgment to come".

Felix's reaction was fear and so he sent Paul away.  Conviction but not enough to face it head on.  He dismissed Paul when the cauldron of conscience got too hot.

History further records that this Felix was so brutal and corrupt that a contingent of Jews went to Rome with an indictment against him. There had been an exceptionally awful incident of massacre of Jews at his command.  This was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.

Felix was remanded as a result.

Can you see Paul's bold topics were in direct counter to Felix's modus operandi?  It's a wonder he didn't have Paul struck automatically down.  Wikipedia claims Felix had Jonathan, one of the High Priest's at the time, killed.  Jonathan had criticised some of the things Felix had done, thus earning himself the death sentence at the hand of Felix.  This is what the contingent of Jews  had taken exception to.

Where is all this verbiage getting us?

Ha.  If we look at ourselves and ask if this faithful man of God, the apostle Paul, were to speak with us - what topics would  he  discern and forth rightly broach with us?  How much godly living would we need to notch up?  Can we surrender to the Lord our current way of life that is not so pleasing to Him, and so live a more godly life?

These are tough questions to blushingly, yet actively and sincerely, ask ourselves before other brothers or sisters-in-Christ need to "have a talk" with us.  We do need each  other to point out our blind spots.  I believe we all really want to be more Christ-like and this can happen when we rid ourselves of the "old" and put on the new.  After all, we followers of Jesus Christ have His Holy Spirit indwelling and are obligated to walk according to the Spirit's leading and convictions (Romans  8).  He gives us strength and dynamic power to do and be as we should when we accept His help.  He's the God of all grace as well as comfort.

Felix didn't accept but we still have a chance in the here and now.  Let's not let our negative history repeat itself.  Let's honor Heavenly Father God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, by the way we live.

                                                   ~ERC  November 2021~

Based on Acts 24:24-27 NIV/Good News.

Ref:  Wikipedia (click on link above).

Ref:  SPM study Guide to The ACTS of the Spostles Bible Knowledge; Goh Kim Guat; c2005; Issachar Sdn. Bhd.

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