Sunday, March 27, 2022

A Bunch of 'IF's'

 There's a whole bunch of 'if's' in Romans 8:9-17, and 25.  "If Christ," "If the Spirit.." "If you..." "If by the Spirit..." "...if we are children, then..." "if we hope..." and so on.  That's a lot of rhetorical 'if's'  but especially on God's part - His  sure 'if's' mean, He's already done it all - affirmative.  Done!  However, the 'if's' for the whosoever means, have we done it yet?  If so, then these 'if's' are sure for us too.

If we are 'in Christ' we have been adopted into God's family.  If we are adopted, then we have an inheritance; that is, "heirs with God" and "co-heirs with Christ".  So what is the inheritance?

When Christ was raised  from the dead, He got a glorified body.  If we are co-heirs, then we have glorified bodies to  look forward to when we get that rapture call whether we're dead or alive at the time.  Of course, we  get to share in all His sufferings too here on earth, some believers more than others.

Another very precious inheritance we are bestowed is that we get God!  We get to live in His presence forever.  Even now we can bask in our Abba Father's presence as we meditate upon His Word and then converse with Him in songs of praise, thanksgiving and worship.  These  are our sure'if's' and hope for which we patiently and  eagerly wait.  Then in  glory to see His blessed face - no more distractions - unsullied and forever.

I sure hope each reader has this bunch of 'if's' too!  


                                                        ~ERC  March 2022~

Based onRomans 8 especially verses  9-17, 25.

Sing, This My Inheritance, along with All My Sons and Daughters.

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