Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Book Review - The Book of Last Letters - By Kerry Barrett - Publication Date: 30 March 2022

 In my opinion, this is a very satisfying read especially to see how the two 'ends' mesh and merge into each together.  That is, the past set during WWII time in London with all the almost nightly bombing.  It was intriquing to follow how the book of last letters for the wounded airmen and other patients in the hospital came to be. The idea of even creating such a book of last words for their families is remarkable and no doubt would have been very therapeutic in and of itself.  How it was created and how it had been lost then discovered, 'in the present' among the rubble ruins of the past will keep one racing through the pages.  Could the present day Stevie the artist carer and Finn the history buff professor piece it all together to answer all the questions of what became of  Elsie and her secret airman?  How about all the other multitudinous questions:  What was the terrible secret Nurse Watson (aka  Elsie) guarded about Nellie's demise? What bearing did it have on the present?  Why did the present day, strangely behaving Helen,  take exception to the book of last letters and any history having to do with the building she and others of the elderly were living in?  

These questions and more may sound droll but the answers are truly exciting but some tragic and bound up in the book of last letters in this Book of Last Letters.  They are waiting to be discovered along with Stevie, Finn, Micah, Val and many of their friends.

 I found myself unable to take too many breaks away from my reading sessions with this work of Historical Fiction with its touch of past and present  romances.  I believe that other readers will have their curiosity equally peaked and will be riveted to their reading with avid relish as the two stories parallel then take a turn to intersect with very favorable results.

The only caution is that some readers may not care to read of the very intimate bedroom-type relations some of the protagonists engaged in.  Due to this, I only give a 4 STAR review, otherwise it would have been a full-fledged cache of stars.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                       February 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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