Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Not Shipwrecked

It was the typhoon of all typhoons of the season - not gentle lulling rockings of the ship.  NO, indeed - so great were the billows, no heads could stay on the pillows.  The shipmates were not tossed but flung to and fro across the bow and deck and below - hold on for dear life!  I wonder if Paul said, "Oh, here we go again, I seem to be a magnet for storms and shipwrecks!"

Sure enough it looked like it and it was.  Before that though, Paul clung to the promises of God with just as determined a grip as he was probably hanging on to post and pillar handholds of the wave-bashed and battered vessel.  Not a swell time but Paul put his hope in the Lord and held firmly fast.  

With great difficulty and much valiant effort the sailors tried vainly to keep their boat afloat but then traitorously conspired to stowaway OFF the ship, abandoning all others to their own  fates.  Paul was on to them though and made short work of that plan with the soldiers' help.  All others had given up hope (Acts 27:20) but Paul begged them all to take courage and to eat something before the ship, he assured them, did break up from running aground to shipwreck conditions.  He boldly and confidently told his terrified listeners that he trusted in God.  God had told him there'd be no loss of life and that he would go to Rome, so, you all, get a grip and jump, swim, kick those legs...and so they all truly did safely make it ashore.  Yes, the ship was smashed to smithereens but the lives were not.  All the 276 souls were spared by God's merciful intervention.

Was thinking of the power and size of those humongous, boisterous waves must have been.  How petrifying, in which all, except Paul, feared for their lives.  In turn, I think of the Almighty, omnipotent God and Father, our Creator.  He was actually in control there in the chaos of the elements.  Paul was completely calm.  Isn't it a wonder!  We too, in the  midst of life's storms that often slam into, and bash and battle, at us, with one thing after another, like poor Job - first his livestock, servants kidnapped, his CHILDREN's deaths and then his deteriorated health, followed by the badgering, accusing words of his 'comforter' friends - can trust our Abba Father.  We can trust but do wonder, will this typhoon of trouble ever cease?!

Yet, through it all we can have complete calm, for our Lord is with us always, in control and it is in Him we can put our trust and hope and NOT have our faith in Him shipwrecked. Let us think of and thank our Savior God and sing, pray and praise.

"Oh Lord my God,  I in awesome wonder consider all the works Thy hands have made.  God of the sun, moon, and stars; God of the Northeaster typhoon winds that blow at sea and even in our lives; the storms, the soft winds, You Father are equal to all - the Author of all, in  control of all.  God of the mighty thunder, my Savior God, my soul sings to Thee.  How great Thou art!  With You we do not ever have to be shipwrecked.  Thank-You!  In You we put our trust.  In Jesus' name we praise and pray and trust."

                                                     ~ERC  February 2022~

Based on Acts 27 NIV/GoodNews

Sing, How Great Thou Art, along with the Gaither Music.

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