Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Book Review - Out of the Dark - By Mandisa - Publication Date: 15 March 2021

I'd say that Mandisa is first and foremost a great woman of faith in Jesus Christ and cherishes her relationship with Him.  This she articulates in her songs, several of which, are co-authored with others.  Her song lyrics have a very "Psalms" feel to them and have great potential for touching the heart in deep places.  

Being able to read the background from which Mandisa's songs spring, helps give a reality check for "getting real" with God and relationships with others, even for the listener, reader and singer of her songs.  I found this Out of the Dark author to be very honest and believe her testimony is exactly what many of us need to hear.  Those faltering in their faith because of trauma, health issues, or those struggling with mental health should all find Mandisa's memoir of great value.

I really appreciated that this singer-songwriter and book author has chosen to illustrate her thoughts with Bible stories and verses, assisting her readers to connect at premium meaningfulness as she drives her meaning home with greater impact, understanding and insight.

Being a person who prefers the more staid, traditonal music, this new-to-me, avenue of song took me by surprize.  As each song was introduced in the book, I went and listened to it.  Although some of the music was not my preferred genre, I did love "Good Morning" and " Bleed the Same".  In fact, this latter one really hits in the gut especially knowing the background of events that most of us would, not so long ago, have seen or heard of in the  news, if not experienced firsthand on the  street.  

No matter how dark our lives may get, Mandisa tells of her survival, and of the mercies of her Lord and Heavenly Father of compassion, which are new every morning.  Herein, lies hope.

At the end of each book chapter is a section called, "Get Real" where pertinent "think about it" questions are delineated for the reader to ask  his or herself.  Take action however and wherever necessary to bring yourself out of the dark with Jesus' help and with those He puts in your life community to be as "real" and whole as possible this side of Heaven.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~
                                                          December 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads

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