Friday, March 18, 2022

Book Review - The Bucharest Dossier - By William Maz - Publication Date: 15 March 2022


I requested to read and review this Historical, Mystery Thriller because of its description of life in Romania under communism with its totalitarian dictator Ceausesu and his wife Elena.  I was very curious about this so grabbed at the chance and was not disappointed.  

The fear, the injustices, the insatiable network of securitate; the spies spying on spies, enough to make one sweat under the collar.  Reading about this as a work of fiction give quite a jolt.  How much worse to have had to live under the strain of this atmosphere in reality.  I believe Maz captured this to very realistic effect and the accuracy of history.

Bill Hefflin, the protagonist, is a Romanian immigrant of Greek lineage (he thinks) who finds himself in America and eventually hired into the CIA.  His contact Boris orchestrates Bill's reluctant return to Romania as history in the making was unfolding in the form of the Romanian Revolution of 1989.  He is there as a diplomat, a cultural attache analyst for the Americans.

This book also is one of romance.  Bill secretly tries to find his childhood love Pusha and opens other cans of worms.  If he does find her, then what about Catherine who tears at his heartstrings?  With all the horrendousness and intrique in that country at that time, could love actually prevail?  If so, which love?

The mystery, secrets, lies, coverups, and traitorous manoeuvers, whom to trust and whom not to?  These kept me on the edge of my chair, holding my breath, crying and even laughing, living in the moments with Bill, Catherine, Boris, Irina, dear Tanti Bobo the Gypsy, Stanton, Avery and others.

The author himself, William Maz, was born in Romania so his connections with the country more than likely aid and abett how he writes, instilling much firsthand authenticity into the work of his pages.  Therefore, I emphatically declare I found this whole story exceedingly satisfying, having gotten a 'taste' of what I'd wished for, except for too many bedroom activity details.   So glad Romanians now have the coveted freedom they had wished for and desparately needed.  I have learned much and believe other readers will be as deeply fascinated as I have been, from cover to cover.  

                                        ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     March 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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