Sunday, May 30, 2021

Good Book - Conscience - Its Place in Christian Living

 'Conscience' is a curious thing that maybe we don't always investigate into very deeply, let alone think much about.  In this little book entitled, Conscience - Its Place in Christian Living, by Ole Hallesby, the reader's mind will be leveled at it to explore from many angles, yet from an overall Christian perspective.

Before saying much more about this little volume, it is good to learn a wee bit about the author, Hallesby.  We are often impressed by such people of integrity and godly pursuit.  He was a Norwegian theologian, author and educator who stood up for what he believed.  He seems one to definitely highly respect due to his practicing what he preached.

He had ample time to seek out 'conscience' firsthand and 'paid for' it.  Simply put, he did not agree with Hitler's regime and when that regime encroached upon Norway and into Hallesby's relationship with the Lord and biblical principles, well, Hitler and his henchmen didn't take too kindly to that.  The forces of evil forced Hallesby into the Grini concentration camp for two years (Wikipedia).  You can imagine to some degree what his outspoken opposition earned for him in that place.  Praise the Lord, he survived it and lived until 1961.

One does not know if Hallesby thought up these points about 'conscience' during that interval or not but the first Inter-Varsity Press has the copyright staked at 1950 and again in 1995.  However, this short work was first written in Norwegain and translated into English by C. J. Carlsen so the original book completion date is uncertain, or at least, unknown to me.

It surprized me to note the number of verses in regard to 'conscience' that are in the Bible, and to which Hallesby referred.  I suppose I have heard them before but they were just never 'spelled out' nor registered in my mind.  Such verses as:  Romans 2:15 (NEB); Romans 7:7 (NEB); 2 Corinthians 4:2; Hebrews 10:22;  Hebrews 9:14; Galations 2:9; 1 John 3:20 (NEB); 1 Timothy 1:3; and so on.

Then, just this morning, I listened to a sermon by Alistair Begg who's text was from 1 Samuel 24.  A great example of conscience in action.  A good conscience, that is, of David's who didn't dare to kill King Saul although he had an excellent opportunity and indeed was egged on by his own men and then even because he had cut off a piece of Saul's robe, he felt it was enormously wrong to have done so.  Begg compared it to King Saul's conscience which was not a good one, who pursued David for more than a decade and had now and again declared he was wrong and would not do so anymore.  However, he did relentlessly continue his pursuit.  This, just by way of example, and not to get off on a tangent, to bring in biblical instance awareness.  After reading the book Conscience, you can go back and review these two men in light of the enlightenment on the subject you glean.

Moving on...the contents of this book probe into what conscience is and how it functions; the conscience being like a judge in the courtroom of your mind; what happened to 'fallen man's' conscience; conscience compared with the Word of God; how one's conscience can be awakened, especially that of a sinner's yet to be saved (pre-converted state being led to salvation); conscience vs our old nature; conscience and grace, and faith and 'the new man' (how conscience operates in a follower of Jesus Christ); how ones' conscience can degenerate and even die.  Last, but not least, how ones' conscience can grow in a positive way.

It's a lot and somewhat heavy reading but it can help you understand yourself better as well as those around you and even explain why it is taking someone so long to come to Christ!?

To finish off here, there's a quotation by an unknown author, but shared with me by another sister-in-Christ, that somewhat encapsulates the embodiment of this little title and of its author.  Here it is...

"Your allegiance to God brings you into direct conflict with anyone opposed to God or what he stands for.  This includes other people as well as supernatural powers of evil.  When you choose to follow God, you must anticipate opposition from those fighting against Him.  However, God promises that those who endure will experience blessings and joy, both in this life and in heaven."

The book is, of course, for anyone and everyone with an inquisitive and inquiring bent to read but may be especially helpful for anyone who is a teacher of the Word of God.  I'll leave it up to your conscience, whether or not to read it.  Ha, ha.

                                                           ~ERC  May 2021~

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Prayer - You Are Known, O God

 "In Judah, You are known, O God,"
wrote Asaph.

What a joyful thing!  People knew You and You abode with them.  They were happy to have You with them.

Father, may You be equally known nowadays in our families and homes, even, I need to say, in our churches!  Dwell among us Father.  We want Your presence with us, giving us "salem" (peace).  Then we can know You and Your ways more, even though they are "past finding" out.

When two or three of us followers of Jesus Christ gather together, there Your presence is with us too.  You give us peace, protection and fight Your enemy Satan and his minions, for us.  Thank-You for championing us; cutting off the spirit of evil and may people everywhere, especially the kings and rulers of earth, fear You.

We stand before You in awe and thanksgiving.  May men and women alike, praise You for being You and the relationship we can have with You -- getting to know You; spending time, alone, with reading Your Word, meditating upon it, talking with You and may each one come to know Your heart as You know ours.

You are our glorious and majestic King of kings, Lord of lords, our God, not just of Judah, but of one and all who fear You.  You are our most trustworthy Father and Friend.

We want to know You more.  May each one truly be able to declare, 

"In my house, You are known, O God."

In Jesus' Name we hope and ask.

                                                   ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 76:1-12 ESV

Sing, You Are Holy along with Joshua Aaron

Friday, May 28, 2021

Prayer - Held Firmly

 Father God, thank-You for being the living God who answers prayers.  We give You thanks and praise in the name of Your Son Jesus who is near.

You are near too, as You made this earth we live on and You even hold the pillars of this earth firmly, when it shakes.  This tells us You care and are in control.  You take the whole brunt and burden of this fallen world which shook and 'broke' when Adam and Eve sinned.

You are holding up the pillars of our individual lives too, Father God.  When our worlds shake from Covid 19; from other serious illnesses; from broken trust in marriages; from children who rebel and from many other issues which hit us hard on the head like a ton of bricks.  You are there, holding us firmly up, as our fallen world crumbles and falls further apart.

Thank-You for holding us up by Your mighty power even despite government administrations coming and going.  You bring one down, and exalt another.  When we look on, it doesn't always seem for the best to us but we have to believe You are doing what is right.  You are Sovereign.

Thinking of the mess of America in the past four years that got increasingly worse towards the end and now in Myanmar with the coup and many of Your people are on the run for their lives.  Thank-You, You hold them up by sending caring people/organizations who try to help them by sending supplies, and so on.  I ask that they can find the way to these peopole who are the actual ones in desparte need.  

Comfort them in their fear; in the end may these, Your righteous ones find solace in the shadow of Your wings.  Hide them there, Abba Father.  Then they will be able to know you and tell of all Your wondrous deeds of how You helped them and lifted them up when their world was shaking.

Then we too can declare Your love and care and sing and praise You, our Lord and God.  We give You thanks in Jesus' Name.  Thank-You for holding us firmly.

                                                        ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 75:1-10 (NIV).

Sing, In the Shadow of Your Wings, Ntokozo Mbatha Mbambo

Note:  This entry was written back in February.  Other things assail the world now.  The USA-Cbina relations, for one, but again, through it all and inspite of it all, our God, is still holding our 'pillars' firmly in place despite the shakings.  Abide under the shadow of His wings.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Say It With Flowers


Not everyone appreciates the power of a flower.  Notwithstanding, a flower given that "says something," as florists are oft telling you, cannot be underestimated.

If you give a cactus, you could quite possibly be saying, "Stay far away from me!" or "I'm very angry with you."  Some give funeral wreaths or bouquets which convey, "our sympathies are with you; we are very saddened too; sorry for your loss; we love you."  Then the red rose from a boyfriend (or, huh, if you're really blessed, a husband) says, "I love you;" or "I care deeply for you".  There's power in those there flowers!

Some people believe giving flowers is a waste of money though.  After all, such gifts droop and wilt, dry up to crispy pedals and pieces, make a mess and are then disposed of all within a week, more or less.  What is the point?! they wonder.

The point, dear sir, is that the thoughts, sentiments and motivations behind the giver's giving can set up a lovely chain reaction of fond feelings.  Secondly, the value the receiver who accepts the flowers, places upon it/them and especially upon the giver that has the power, worth and warmth (except in the case of the cactus 😁) to vary commnications of feelings that by far, out value the money spent, and outlasts the flower's life for days on end.  At least, I think so.

I once read a book of fiction where two people had a whole, ongoing conversation that by the particular flower choice one gave to the other in response to the original flower gift that set it all in motion, went on and on for months, which turned into years.  Feelings were "aired", some rather emotionally - both positively and negatively (anger, bitterness, caring, love, forgiveness and so on).  

In real life there are books on the language and symbolism of flowers which can guide a person in the meanings of particular flowers which really do 'talk'.  At least, for those who know and 'believe'. does not have to delve into such books to get the jist of the sentiments.  For instance, a foreigner, having come from a four season climate, where it had been winter when she left home, arrives in her tropical resort hotel room, to discover a fresh orchid bloom upon the pillow.  Oh raptures; how exciting and exotic, how heartwarming the welcome that sparks almost instant revival of spirit and sparks joy and good cheer.  What a great start to a jolly holiday.

To the heart of one who has just lost a dearly beloved family member; seeing flower bowers and reading the attached cards you give, will endear you to your friend for life.  They get the message:  you care; you empathize.

The husband who may not truly understand but gives that bouquet anyway because he knows his wife appreciates and treasures the gesture, will keep the spark of marriage kindled in just one more facet of connection:  mentally, emotionally and may be, even otherwise.  It's in his best interest.

"Keep the kettle boiling..."

If you don't, the relationship could skip many heart beats and dry up like those wilted, drooping flowers; that would be travesty and waste indeed!  Don't let it be about the money.  On the contrary say it with flowers, show your friends and loved ones you appreciate them and keep the relationships blooming.

                                                   ~ERC February 2021~

Monday, May 24, 2021

Good Book - Shadow of the Almighty

 "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

So said one Jim Elliot of whom the book, Shadow of the Almighty by author Elisabeth Elliot, Jim's wife, has been written about.

In some ways this is a biography but in others it's more akin to an autobiography in that Elisabeth used many of Jim's diaries and letters written to a variety of family and friends over the years of his short life.  Much of the book is therefore direct quotations or close renditions thereof, from Jim's own pen.

In case you are wondering, this is the Jim Elliot who was one of the five jungle missionary men martyred in Eastern Ecudador by the Auca/Waorani* tribe of Indians.

Shadow of the Almighty covers Jim's early life growing up in a very devout, conservatively Christian family and moves in stages on to his university years.  Along that life, were stirrings of his mind and heart to serve the Lord, even from a very young age.,

The zeal, the passion for living his life to please the Lord, to serve the Lord, to live a holy life for the Lord and to reach the "unreached" who had not yet heard the message of Jesus Christ, never wavered.  This can be seen through his life as portrayed in his writings as seen in this book.

Truly, Galations 6:9 could be said of him despite his occasional human discouragements.  He would be lifted up, encouraging himself and others, with verses such as this,

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

The book tells how the Lord led him to Ecuador to the Quichua Indians and eventually to those who had caught the inner sanctums and core of his heart, the Auca Indians (later known as the Waodani).

This was the test of putting "his money where his mouth was."  His burden was intense for...

"...cultural groups as yet untouched..." (page 236) the love of Christ and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Auca's were just such a people.

By human standards this would be deemed, "exceedingly dangerous" and foolish to even attempt; others had done so to their, oh too late to regret.  The Auca's were known as agressive and killing others almost for the sport and fun of it.  Indeed, there had been recent reports of random killings.

Yet true to Jim's modus operandi, his decisions were backed by, 

"Scriptural principles; God directed circumstances, and [his] own inward assurance - all consonant..." (page 236),

so he moved forward with the plan, along with the other four men, to contact the Auca's. 

You'll have to read the book to discover this "backbone" of Jim Eilliot for yourself and its fuller explanation and meaning.

As mentioned earlier, there were five men murdered.  At least three of the others had been close friends of Jim's pre-Ecuador days and in fact had inspired them, and they him, towards mission work and a life dedicated to the Lord in lands other than their own.  It's been interesting to see how the Lord brought them all together to converge on this gigantic, pivotal advance into Satan's territory, together, for God's glory and to gain "treasure" for Heaven.

Mission work is definitely NOT for sissies.  There had been many struggles, sacrifices and disappointments along the way but the Lord had enabled Jim to fervently pray,

"God, send me soon to the Aucas" (page 239).

God did.

Furthermore, as what happened to God's Son Jesus, sent to the dangerous "whosoever" of the world, so too,

"...on Sunday, January 8, 1956, the men for whom Jim Elliot had prayed for six years killed him and his four companions" (page 245).

This well-known saying, says it all... 

"The blood of the martyr is the seed of the church."

Jim left this world with very few material possessions but the spiritual legacy he left behind has had enormous postive impact and ripples in the lives of untold numbers known only to the Lord;  many of this 'harvest' being reaped from among the Waodani.

You can discover some of the continuing story of those 'repercussions' from Elisabeth Elliot's book, Through Gates of Splendor and in Steve Saint's book, End of the Spear.  (Steve Saint is son of Nate Saint, one of the five men killed.  This book was also made into a movie. Of course, the book form is always better.)

Jim wrote many hymns for the Quichua to sing.  Here's a poignant one which became a favorite.  It seems to embody Jim's purpose of life and thoughts about death-in-Christ, combined.

"If a man dies, he falls like a tree.

Wherever he falls, there he lies.

If he is not a believer, he goes to the fire-lake."

"But on the other hand, a believer,

If death overtakes him,

Will not fall rather will rise

That very moment, to God's house." (page 241).

This was the treasure for which Jim Elliot was willing to give what he could not keep:  his life given that others may have eternal life, and he was no fool.  He gained an uncountable harvest for God His Heavenly Father and Jesus His Savior and Lord. 

Do find a copy of, and read, Shadow of the Almighty.  May your hearts be spurred on towards a deeper relationship with the Lord and the yet unreached to be brought to Christ, as was Jim Elliot's.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2021~

*Now known as Waorani (alternate spelling, Waodani).

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - More Than Euphoric

 Here's another "Asaph Psalm;" Psalm 74.  To 'live' this Psalm, jump into your time machine and go way back an eon or two...

Can you see Asaph?  He's an assistant to the lead worship leader Heman for the children of Israel and seems to have been commissioned especially by King David, and later, by King Solomon.  They are in charge of leading worship, singing and song writing.  Asaph took his ministry among the people of Israel seriously - a holy, sacred trust, as well as being his 'ordained-by-God' duty for Yahweh.

Look, there he is up on the wall of Jerusalem.  What...what's he doing up there?!  Oh, he's leading a choir parade of singers and trumpet blowers; marching, singing and celebrating.  Oh, just listen to that worship!  Euphoric!  Such praise to God!  Close your eyes and take it in.

Can you get a 'feel' for it?  

Get back into your machine and push the button forward to our time (yeah, I know, that sounds boring, but...).   Hear master choirs from England (& elsewhere), bringing us the likes of Handel's Messiah and good solid, traditional hymns of praise.  Ok, even the backup choir singers for the likes of Michael W. Smith or Don Moen can be brilliant with their more "contemporary" music.  All of this not to 'tickle our ears' but to render sincere praise to our God and to Jesus our Savior and Redeemer; helping their fellow worshipers to join in and elicit praise and worship with them.

Read Psalm 74.  I think it is not something we'd enjoy singing.  It's talking about the devastation and desecration of the sanctuary of God (& Jerusalem).

Where would that sanctuary have been?  The Temple!  The House of God where He dwelt among His people of Israel.  

Pop back there to that time again.  Listen to the raucous clamor of the invaders, hacking at, smashing with axes and hatchets and battering rams, at the holy Temple of God;  see and hear the attacking and scoffing in ridicule.  You are shuddering, aren't you!  The acrid smell of burning assailing the air and your nostrils in sickening dismay and demoralization.  God's Temple going up in smoke and battered to ruin; God's Name is shouted in mockery and contempt, shaming God's people on whom He had placed His Name; His very own "tribe of inheritance" "cast off" in punishment.

What stark contrast!  

Euphoric worship of Almighty God, their Refuge, Deliverer, Rock and Fortress in Whom they could trust and shelter and be blessed vs the clamor, shouts, curses, and scoffing of the attackers who worshiped idols and gods of all sorts, as they tore the place apart, "Where's Your God, now, O Israel, you "chosen" ones of God?  Not so chosen after all?"

Incidious laughter rakes the spine as if a fingernail on a chalkboard...Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!  

"How long would they mock You, O God" (vs 10)?

God, who had "fixed the boundaries of Earth" and "made summer and winter," was He still Sovereign and in control?

These chosen ones had rejected the one true God and turned to other gods.  God had warned and warned them to turn back to Him.  Didn't they know He was a "jealous" God?  They rejected Him.  Didn't want Him "interfering" in their lives.  

I  bet they did now...

Why?  Why did this happen?!  You might ask as you see the dispirited conquered and captured led away by the jubilant conquerors.

The wake-up call struck strong and hard reality into the fabric of their souls and even into yours as you watch.  Their place of worship totally defiled and left in shambles.  Oh that place where God, Who loved and cared for them so faithfully, was worshiped but likely had been desecrated with worship of other gods.  The Temple now in ruin and abandonment.

Stepping into my time machine, I hurtled ahead through the next decades to Babylon.  Are you with me?

Seventy years!  A lifetime of punishment ensued.  Indeed, Asaph asked, "Why do You hold back Your right hand?"  That hand of strength; that hand that had created the universe, Who had been their God; He could effect a rescue, if He wanted to.

So Asaph delves into his spirit and connects with God, and calls upon God's mercy to once again rise up and "defend" (vs 22).  Repentance of Israel a catalyst to rescuing His "dove" from ruthless, mocking adversaries who continually afflicted them.

Zoom ahead to 2021.

You may be scratching your head a wee bit and asking, "Huh?!  Asaph lived that long?  Through two kings and more until the captivity and through the captivity and then back to Zion!?" 

I scratched my head too.

Allow your fingers to surf the internet a bit, you'll discover that, reference to Asaph could be that there was a "guild" (or 'worship team' as we'd say today) that carried over from generation to generation under the name of "Asaph;" for example, The Asaph Guild.

To me it's like, let's say, The Gregorian or Benedictine Monks.  They had their groups and sang alot.  Oh I suppose those guys chanted, but you get the idea.

Asaph was from the tribe of Levites who were "set aside," "sanctified" and "ordained" to the service of God, and in particular, in Asaph's case, worship leading for the whole congregation of Israel.  More specifically, at the time of captivity, the tribes of Judah and some of Ephraim and half tribe of Manesseh, and the Levites, were the main tribes remaining of all Israel. The rest had long been scattered to the four winds of conquerors' domains.  (You can note though that God in His grace and mercy, mostly saw them all and referred to them as the children of Israel, in their entirety.)

Psalm 74 seems more of a recalling of the traumatic, travesty of the desecration and decimation of the Temple, God's dwelling place and sanctuary.  A hard lesson learned and Asaph did not want his people to ever, ever forget it; so sing it in remembrance, they did.

Praise God, He did "rise up" and He was in control all along.  They could now give thanks to their one true God and humbly bow before Him in unadulterated thanksgiving, praise and worship.

Father God, how terrible yet just You are; Your ways, past finding out.  In fear and trembling we must come before You into Your holy presence and come confidently in the name of Jesus. We have become Your sons and daughters through Him.  We thank You for the redemption of our souls and for Your Holy Spirit who individually indwells us, Your holy temple.

Thank-You for Your Holy Spirit Who convicts us when we begin to slide away and turn to "other gods" in our lives and begin to desecrate Your temple, our bodies, with those "gods'.

We know and are assured that we can never lose our salvation because You gave us "eternal life" (John 3:16) when we believed in Jesus and got our justification through faith in Him.  However, we would lose our joy.  We would lose our desire to sing beautiful praises to You.  We would often suffer "punishments:" those consequences of smoking, drinking, doing drugs; of adultery, gambling, pornography, dishonesty and so on.  Or perhaps, just a slide into indifference or feel You no longer care for us because our child or loved one was snatched "early" from us; or we were maimed in an accident.

Heavenly Father, help us to guard our hearts and stay near to You because we know that You never move away.  You stay outside our door, knocking and knocking.  May we always open that door and let You come in to 'sup' with us.  May we always desire fellowship with You, to get to "know" You and be friends as Abraham of old had been, as Asaph himself did.  May we serve You whole-heartedly, also as Asaph and company.  May we desire to keep our hearts and temple of Your Holy Spirit pure before You; ever and always.  Keep us and never let us, nor You, be put to shame in front of our adversaries.

Father, this Lord's Day, we once again partake of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine in remembrance of all Jesus has done for us.  May our hearts continue to overflow in gratitude and songs of praise and adoration together with all the saints.  What will it be to dwell above in constant, continual praise!

In Jesus' Name we give our thanks and ask from the top to the bottom of our hearts.

Hop back into your time machine, press the button for "near future"...

Look through the window and get a glimpse what we will enjoy.  Singing our praises to the Lord, together with all believers in Jesus Christ, around the banquet table of The King, in the presence of our Heavenly Father, Savior, Redeemer, Friend.  Listen to and join in with the 'Heavenly Throng Choir' worship (Is that Asaph still conducting?) .    This we will be doing for all eternity to come.   

That is more than euphoric.

                                                     ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 74:1-23.

Sing, What Will It Be to Dwell Above, as posted by Philip Tadros

Friday, May 21, 2021

Prayer - Sanctuary Meditations

 Surely, Heavenly Father, You are good to Your chosen sons and daughters, through Jesus.  These children who have become "pure in heart" through their justification through faith.  You have made them righteous.

You may sense a "but" coming.  There are times when we, Your children, who do, through the Holy Spirit's transforming work in them, seem to suffer a plethora of things:  sickness; tragedy and so on, in their lives.  By contrast, those who are arrogant and even shake their fists at You and declare there is no God, or even dare You to strike them dead on the spot, IF you exist; they go on their merry way and appear to prosper in all areas of their lives.

This often makes Your children wonder if they have chosen the wrong way.  Thankfully, Asaph, in Psalm 73, gives us hope and direction.  He experienced similar doubts but then he entered into Your sanctuary and spent time in Your presence.

He pondered and meditated upon the latter end of the arrogant and wicked compared to the righteous who followed Your will and ways.  The former group were on "slippery ground" headed for ruin and destruction in their end; sadly and suddenly destroyed.

Asaph then turned to the blessings he did have when he was "near You" and pleasing You with walking in Your ways.  You "held him by his right hand;" You "guided him with Your counsel" and then You would "take him to glory" (vs 23, 24).

He valued being with and near You and having a relationship with you, Father God, Who was his "strength of heart" (vs 26).  This is still our "answer" to those doubts, today because "afterward,  You will take us to glory...forever" (vs24, 26 NIV).

We pause.  We consider.

We too can look at these two "final destinies".  Asaph made a determined choice then, that was rooted in his sanctuary meditations' conclusions of You.

He declared,

"It is good to be near God..."

and, here's his conscious decision,

"I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all Your deeds" (vs 28 NIV).

So, no matter the trials, troubles, tribulations or calamities he endured on earth, even though he served God in leading the Israelites in worshiping You, their Yahweh, and kept his heart pure, he would continue to be faithful to You and not let his feet slide down the slippery slope to the ruin of selling his soul to some other 'bidder' no matter how good the 'bargain' looked.

Father God, thank-You for the free will you gave to Your children to choose similarly; to choose You!  To make You our refuge because we know it is "good to be near You;" because we want to be near You; because we believe there is "NO ONE ELSE in Heaven or Earth besides You" (vs 25, emphasis mine), in Whom to put our trust; in Whom to shelter, to be guided and strengthened in heart by, besides You.  We too, will tell of all Your wondrous deeds in our lives.

Thank-You once again.  In Jesus Name we keep our hearts pure with Holy Spirit help because we want to see You in Your sanctuary.  In Jesus Name we praise and pray and give You thanks.

                                                          ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 73:1-28 NIV

See also Matthew 5:8

Sing, There's No Other Name (Francesca Battistelli/Starlight)

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Prayer - In God We Place Our Hope

 Lord, from our mother's womb, to our birth, to our youth and all through the years to old age, You have been, are and will ever be, our Rock, Refuge, our Fortress and Deliverer, as you were for David; whom I assume, wrote Psalm 71.

Despite what the hand of wicked, unjust, and cruel men can precipitate upon Your people, LORD, You are also our HOPE.  

"Be not far from us for our hope and trust are continually in You.  We want to praise You more and more" (vs 14).

We learn from Scripture that David was hotly pursued for so many years but You hid him all those years;  it was an amazing feat You did for him.  You are the same even today, You are sufficient for us.  Your grace is sufficient, Your love surrounds, touching us with your care and healing, giving safety all in Your good timing.

We want to tell out these Your "righteous acts" and "deeds of salvation" You orchestrate for us throughout our lives too.  You're our awesome Father!  There is none other like You!  Your

 "righteousness reaches to the heavens," said the Psalmist (71:19 ESV).

You are ever just when we and others are unjust.  You are righteous but we engage in unrighteouness.  You are ever trustworthy even when we are not.  We depend upon You, O LORD.

When we nosedive into the depths of the earth, during times of trials, temptations, troubles and calamities, we trust Your faithfulness to,

 "bring us up again".

Such comfort You gave David, shows us that we can have it too, Father.  It makes us burst out in songs and shouts of joy.  The redemption of our souls through Jesus being the "talk of our tongues" when our enemies are "shamed, disappointed" and scattered.  In Jesus we have the victory.  Thank-You.  Hallelujah!  What a Savior.

May we, Your children through Jesus, remember always to lean on You as we did even before we were born, like David said (vs 6).  Then we will sincerely say, sing and praise what those American coins profess, "In God We Trust".

In Jesus' Name we praise and pray more and more.  Our hope is firmly placed in You.

                                                  ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 71:1-24 (ESV)

Sing, Awesome God, He Reigns, along with Spontaneous (Lion of Judah) Joel Figeroa

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Good Book - Lessons from Jonah


The book of Jonah is always an exciting one especially for Sunday School children.  It's a marvel how a man could be swallowed up by a "big fish" and then, yucky! vomited, out onto dry land; and so the story goes.

It is a sobering story for adults and there are deep lessons to be learned from Jonah.  Jonah, who must have been rather sheepishly contrite to have written his "autobiography" of his failings, yet, also of his repentance and eventual obedience.

The author, G. C. Willis, of the short and sweet but thought-provoking book, Lessons from Jonah, gets to the root of Jonah's reluctance, rebellion, anger, and displeasure.  He also drafts out the downward path Jonah took away from Jehovah and then helps us see how Jonah 'climbed' back up towards God.

As author Willis was once sent as a "Christ-bearer" to the multitudes of China and also spent some 30-50 years in that region and some nearby, such as Hong Kong, Singapore and British North Borneo pre- and post- WWII, this book has inferences to things Chinese. (That could actually be visa versa, original text in Chinese and translated into English; I'm not exactly sure.)

A reader will be surprized at the number and intensity of the lessons one can garner from Jonah.  Many of them could be just as convicting as with what Jonah had had to contend when applied to our own lives.  May each reader be challenged in his/her spiritual journey with the Lord and be pro-actively concerned for the world's lost who are still on the road that leads to judgement and everlasting destruction.

Make them your mission, as well as to read Lessons from Jonah.

                                                     ~ERC  May 2021~

Read the book of Jonah in the Old Testament section of the Bible.

This book, Lessons from Jonah, as well as others of G. C. Willis' writings are available at Bible Truth Publishers, and STEM Publishing.  At STEM, look for, "Major Works of George Christopher Willis".  View the list and click on this book title and read to your hearts' content.  (Copyright rules apply.)  He mostly uses the KJV and the JND Bible versions.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Sing It As We "Ascend"


"Great is Thy faithfulness, O LORD unto me!"

This is a song all Your redeemed children can sing, Father, especially as we are en route to gathering together with other followers of Jesus Christ to remember Him in His death and resurrection.

Out of the depths of our hearts we can cry to You because You have heard our voices and pleas for mercy.  As we "ascend" to our place of worship we repent and confess our wrongs and gain the forgiveness of Jesus Christ (1 John 1:9).  

Then we worship in newness of heart and mind.  We enter and bathe in Your holy presence.  We can stand before You because You have made us righteous in Your sight, for we wear Your forgiveness like a golden crown.

Our hope is in You through Jesus and Your steadfast love that we need never doubt.  There is plentiful redemption through Jesus our Redeemer.  His redeeming blood has redeemed us from all punishment and consequences of our iniquities.  With confidence and unashamedness, we can stand in Your presence and lift up our faces to Yours and gaze into Your eyes of love.

With confidence we can sing this psalm as we "ascend" into Your presence, Father God.  Our hope is in You LORD, forever.  On this Lord's Day, with joyful gratefulness and song, we pass the broken bread and the cup of wine one to another in remembrance of all Jesus has done for us. 

 How great Thou art!

In Jesus' Name we pray, praise and worship.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 130:1-8 ESV

Sing Great is Thy Faithfulness, with Chris Rice

Friday, May 14, 2021

Prayer - Hasten, Don't Delay

Dear Father God, there are often "explosions" that just about blow us all to pieces.  This happened to David the shepherd boy cum anointed-to-be-king, warrior.  Due to King Saul's jealousy of him, David was on the run for his life.  

This situation didn't dry up and go away in a couple of days.  It was relentless for 15-20 years!  That is, until King Saul died, and David could finally sit "safely" on the throne.

"Make haste, O God, to deliver me" (Psalm 70:1 ESV)!

That was David's agonized cry, penned for all to review, that had gone up to You.

Father, this is often our cry too!  Twenty years is like a lifetime sentence. Being put to shame and having a majority of others turn their backs on us, cages us; bends us DOWN!

Nonetheless we seek You, Father.  Your goodness and kindness and love compel us to You, like iron to a magnet.  This David directs for us, encouraging as he had been encouraged and helped by your oft deliverances.

He realized his neediness,

"I'm poor and needy," he said.

He needed Your help and quickly,

"Hasten to me, O God!"


Father God, we too realize our need to depend on You and that You are our hope and help and deliverer, through Jesus our Savior.  May we too, urgently seek You.

"O LORD, do not delay!"

Thus, we pray.  Thank-You for "standing by".

In Jesus our Deliverer's Name we beseech You, Everlasting Father, knowing you will aid us.

                                                   ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 70:1-5 (ESV)

Sing, My Deliverer, with Rich Mullins

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Prayer - Anguish to Joyful Peace


O LORD God of hosts, we cry out to You from the anguish of our lives.  Save us from the "flood waters" that have risen up to our necks and the miry mud that sucks us into the earth in a vice grip.

Your human earth creatures are so often afflicted with pain, are weary with crying and their eyes are so dim and their throats have become parched with sobbing.  The ravages of sin beset us.  We wait for You, O LORD my God, for Your redemption.

Out of Your steadfast love and faithfulness unveil Your face, reach down and help us.  There are so many people who reproach, shame, harass and persecute us because of Your Name and the Name of Jesus.

People hate us, mock us, slander us, falsely accuse us; they make us into a joke and spread gossip that leaps like wildfire through social media, zooming equally swiftly and virally;  poisoning minds and making us, and our and Your name to be dragged into the dirt.  This is not new to You.  It even happened to Your Son Jesus.

Also, Your servant and king, David, experienced this as see in Psalm 69.  It still happens today.  David, in his deep despair reached out to You.  He petitioned You to initiate vengeance against those who made him a reproach.  He wanted them punished and punished and with no chance of acquittal, and knew You could make it happen.

Father God, we know that the right and merciful thing to do is to just ask that these kinds of people be stopped.  Stop them!  Bring justice for their 'victims'.  Heap coals of fire on these foes' and folks' heads by bringing salvation to them so they see the error of their ways.  Bring all their hidden wrongs to light and make them right.  Make them see their latter end.

May they come to see Your goodness; repent, and confess and accept Jesus as Savior and Lord.  That would be sweet retribution.  We hope our hearts will be forgiving enough to accept this.

All this for their own good but also for the good of those being wronged by them because of their zeal for You and Your house.  In the end, let foes and victims come to praise Your Name -- together -- in peaceful fellowship. Let us see such miracles in our day and age.

May they praise You in song, Lord God and magnify You with thanksgiving for Who You are and for all you've done for them:  salvation, forgiveness, justice, mercy, grace, peace.  May they bring the sacrifice of praise from their lips but also surrender their lives totally to You, that they may know You.  That they will establish a close relationship with You because You love them for who they are.

May they seek You with all their hearts and be glad.  May their voices ring out with praise for You, joining Heaven and Earth and involve their offspring in such worship and thanksgiving.  May it be known that those who fear God will inherit the Earth and dwell in the safety You have provided for them, in Your Heavenly home.

To be with Jesus, that's where we long to be.  On this earth You can change our anguish to joyful praise even in the midst of continued reproach.  We can go confidently on, with peace in our hearts and minds because we know You and that You have redeemed and ransomed us back to You; come what may.

                                                      ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 69:1-36 ESV

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Good Book - The Heart of ANGER

There are those who have grown up angry for whatever reasons.  Those who have been manipulated, disrespected, abused and so on, who have repressed and suppressed their emotions for as long as they can remember, can now get some help even though the iron has entered their souls.  This even having evolved from a young age with anger that has become deep-seated in their hearts.  Here's some hope for better ways of expressing emotions.

The book, The Heart of ANGER by Lou Priolo, is an excellent book akin to a counseling manuel that can lead one to understand why they are a volitile volcano, ever ready to erupt at a second's notice.  Furthermore, Priolo guides parents with angry children to ways which could help "circuit break", long term, and/or even minimize or prevent the heart of anger from devastating development. The author has some very practical helps and suggestions which really are, well, very helpful.

Some topics covered are:  provocative parenting; discipline; Biblical communications; the appeal process, and so on.  There's that old adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words," which aptly applies to the concise diagrams and tables laid out in the book to give better comprehension of what the author is writing about.   They delineate the various aspects of how anger can be accrued and how to counter it by having a better focus in helping to overcome negative emotional expressions that could become deeply rooted.

People from all walks of life, pastors, Christian parents and teachers, caregivers and more, will greatly benefit from reading this book on a subject not often spoken about.  It truly is a practical book that gets at the heart of  ingrained, festering and fomenting anger.  Yet our God is able.  Praise the Lord for this author Priolo's understanding and insight.

May all who read The Heart of ANGER be truly transformed and blessed (even if you didn't think you had a problem with anger).  May their hearts and the hearts of their children become ever progressively, a heart of love which flows from having God-centered vision and focus of their delight.

You'll know what I'm talking about once you've read the book.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2021~

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Mother's Day 2021 Tribute


 Children rise up and

call her, "Blessed;" that's my Mom!

Happy Mother's Day!

Has your Mom passed on?  Is she missed more and more?  It is something one comes to realize, even coming as a surprize -- you just  didn't realize how much Mom was actually a part of your life.  How interwoven she had been, an essence of essential life relationship.

My Mom was such a one -- such a good Mom who loved her children.  This I realize, now!  She was not appreciated enough (speaking for myself).  Took her for granted, so I did.

She was a godly woman and person full of grace and forgiveness; certainly a blessed woman and mother.  She is a good example to imitate of extending grace and forgiveness with all the people in ones life:  family, friends and others.

Appreciate your Mom while you still have her on Earth.  

Jesus, help us to do so and to be of similar character.  Thank-You for such a wonderful Mom.

And to all mother's out there...

                                           H A P P Y   M O T H E R ' S  D A Y!

                                                           ~ERC  May 2021~

Friday, May 7, 2021

Prayer - Free to Choose Your Will


Some say that God has a big struggle with Satan.  However, through Jesus' accomplished work on the cross, Satan was defeated.   Before time began though, he has "always been totally under God's authority".  After all, God is God Who always was, Who is and Who will always 'be'.

Another has said,

"God's biggest challenge is with the free will He gave all people" (Bruce Billington in Eternity Begins Now).  

That may not be a totally sound thing to say either but we human beings can get the general jist of the message.  Our free will can indeed be our biggest challenge when choosing to come under God's authority and living according to His will and ways, or not.

In Psalm 64 (NIV) and verse 6, David moans,

"Surely the mind and heart of man are cunning."

The ESV terms it,

"...the inward mind and heart..."

and that they 

"...are deep..."

Father God, we do not even know ourselves well but do have inklings at what mankind is capable of.  In David's case, unrighteous men devised cunning plans against him.  David triumphs though because You were on his side and shot Your arrows at them.  You were his defense.

You are ours today.  You save us from ourselves when we put our hand into Yours and choose Your way over our own.  This, even when the unrelenting evil schemes of men come against us.  We choose You, we choose You, we choose You; again and again and again.

Show us Your hand and Your rescue every day, Father.  We want to see Your works in our lives so we can proclaim them to those who do not know You yet and to those who have not yet placed themselves under your authority.

May we joyfully exclaim, as David did, that we rejoice in You and take our refuge in You .  May we then live an upright life before You and allow Your Holy Spirit to transform our hearts and minds to the will of Your Son Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.  After all, we are free to choose Your will.

Hear our humble cry.

It is in Jesus' Name we ask.  May Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

                                                       ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 64:1-10 ESV

I do not know if you agree with this song, I Surrender All, or not.  If you think it is hypocritical to sing it, do we really and truly "surrrender all" to our "blessed Savior"?  However, for me, I would sing it prayerfully; a plea to my Savior of what I'd really like to be able to do.  The Lord knows we are "but dust" and that we fail.  He is gracious and forgiving when we confess our mistakes, and failings to Him.  That is what He asks.  We can choose to give, as we are able, His Holy Spirit's dynamic power aiding us, as we submit to Him.  Sing prayerfully then, along with the Isaac's on the Gaither stage.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Prayer - Uninterrupted Fellowship


Lord Jesus, Savior of my soul by faith, Your redeemed ones have gotten a peek of You in Your sanctuary.  Your power, authority and glory are amazing to think about and a sight to behold.

Your steadfast love feeds our hungry souls, as if starved of all other affection as severe drought devastates vegetation.  We soak up Your love and our lips will praise You as You satisfy our souls as with "fat and rich food" (vs 5).

When we toss and turn upon our beds, sleepless, we remember then, meditating on You and all You have done for us by coming to Earth -- fully God and fully man.

Our souls cling to You now in holy reverence and adoration and for our very lives.  Without You we can do nothing, especially in times of harassment, false accusation and persecutions.  Despite our tribulations we rejoice in You Jesus, Savior, for You the Truth, will stop the mouths of liars.

We await the day of Rapture to be in Your presence forever.  There we will have uninterrupted fellowship and unlimited time to bless Your Name.

In Your Name, Lord Jesus, we praise and bless.

                                                      ~ERC  February 2021~

Based on Psalm 63:1-11 ESV

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Good Book - White Fang


White Fang
is quite a powerful book to read.  The author and activist, Jack London, wrote it as a sequel to The Call of the Wild; both equally compelling books of nature and the nature of mankind.

It is a very good book for children to learn some of the ways of man but it is also a riveting story of a 1/2 dog, 1/2 wolf, named, you guessed it, White Fang, and the trials and joys at the different stages of his life, which he endured and enjoyed, respectively.

This book is also a kind of historical fiction set in the Gold Rush days in the Klondike of the Yukon in north-western Canada.  It is therefore an exciting read for adults as well.  A parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, and so on, may be enthused to read the book aloud to their child, grandchild, or niece/nephew, some cold or wet and wild afternoons (or whenever).

The copy on our bookshelves of White Fang is a very well illustrated one with many fabulous pictures of White Fang, but also of other creatures that roam the Yukon region and of the homes and igloos of white man and North American Indian (Indigenous Native Peoples) of 1896-1899 era timeframe.  A variety of Huskies and dog sleds and their drivers, wolves, moose, prospectors, snowy landscapes, weasels, bobcats, cougars, porcupines, ptarmigans and all manner of man and beast against each other and the wild; all well documented in picutres.

The story line combined with quality photographs will have you reading and rereading, and examining and re-examining the pages of the book for many mesmerizing hours to come.  Invest in a copy of the book today.  I very much doubt you would be disappointed. 

Mush. Mush.*

                                                          ~ERC  April 2021~

*dog sled language = move forward

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - None Like You

 There is none like You, O LORD.  We lift up our hearts and souls to You, and You incline Your ears towards us.  You are good and forgiving.  Your steadfast love envelopes us who call upon Your Name through Jesus; this love which abounds.

We need your grace, always; in our days of trouble, in our days that seem to move along smoothly.  May Your grace abound towards us, in us and through us to others.  Hear us when we call.

Oh Father God, there is none like You.  None can top or topple You.  There are many "gods" out there but it is to You, Your children come to worship, to adore and give our confessions, and thanksgiving.

We shall, with the help of Your Holy Spirit, glorify Your name for You are great, Your Name is great and You do many wondrous things because You alone, are God.

We want to follow Your ways.  Teach us Your ways.  Then we can walk in them.  Unite our divided hearts that want to scatter in many multiple ways of our own, give us whole hearts to fear Your Name to give thanks only to Your Name and to glorify only Your Name.  We look forward to that day when we can do this forever in unadulterated manner.

You are "merciful," "gracious," "slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness".  This we cannot live without.  Coupled with these, our fear of You, the One true God, and the help of Your Holy Spirit we can be doers as well as hearers of Your word.

David the psalmist of Psalm 86, must have really imbibed and appreciated the High Priest's nightly benediction over the children of Israel.  The practice instituted by You through Moses to Aaron his brother and which we read about in Numbers 6:22-27.  That benediction which put Your Name upon them and blessed them.

Jesus our High Priest did that for us through His work of salvation on our behalf.  His Name, stamped upon us, forever more, and garanteed and sealed by Your Holy Spirit.  David appreciated it and he took those words of benediction of his time and place and prayed too,

"Turn to me" (Psalm 86:16 ESV) OR "Turn Your face toward [me]" (Numbers 6:25 NIV)


" gracious to me" (Psalm 86:16 ESV & Numbers 6:25 NIV).

He had nothing to hide.  He sought Your face, Your graciousness; Your Name.

May we now, through Jesus, seek You too in all open honesty.  We seek Your favor upon us, as a testimony to those who would harm us, as did David.  Do not put Your people to shame despite them often doing such a 'good job' of it themselves.  Lift us up because Your Name is upon us.  In this You will help us and comfot us.

David sought Your blessing upon his life but he also walked worthy of You most of his life.  Many of us wish to have Your blessing and favor but neglect "walking the talk," neglect being "doers as well as hearers".  May we be encouraged to walk worthy of the calling You have put upon us in the Name and power of Jesus Christ and Your Holy Spirit who indwells each one of Your children.

We partake of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine on this Lord's Day, in remembrance of all Jesus has done for us through His death and resurrection.  Thank-You, Abba Father, in Jesus' Name we praise and pray, for there is no one else like You!

                                                         ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 86:1-17 ESV

Sing There is None Like You, Lenny LeBlanc, sung by Hillsong folks