Saturday, February 6, 2021

God Speaking Directly; Still?

 God speaking to us directly, one-on-one is rejected by some but I think it can still happen.  This in context of, outside the Bible; that is, in what some may term, "extra-biblical revelation".

No, please don't go away.  Let me try to explain.

Most will agree that,

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).

So, when we read of God speaking directly to Adam, Noah, Job, Abraham, Moses, and to numerous others throughout the Bible's accounts, we see plainly, God's "yesterday" modus operandi.

There are those who argue that because we now have the complete Word of God, that God no longer speaks directly to us except through His Word, in the "today".

This begs the question, what does it mean then, when potential missionaries, pastors; and Christian politicians, for example, say they got, "the Call", from the Lord for a particular vocation or ministry?  Was that not God speaking directly?

Yes, we all have been given "the Call" of the Great Commission, but I'm talking about specific direction to one place or another.  One does not read in God's Word, "Mr Peter John Wong Wei Jun*, though shalt serve me in North Korea; go on 5 January 2021".  Thus, one can conclude God does speak directly, still.

The manner and mode of that "directly spoken" word, may or may not come with the audibly spoken words and dramatic accosting my Jesus as happened to Saul of Tarsus en route to Damascus (Acts 9:1-19).  However, I've heard of stories where Jesus appeared, and spoke to various persons who were sincerely seeking God.  For that matter, Jesus also appeared to those who were not overtly seeking, or didn't realize they were seeking.

Those were folks who came to Christ after Jesus got their attention through such encounters as Saul's.  What about those of us who have been followers of Jesus Christ for some years?!  Well, it's already been mentioned that some have gotten their "call", which could have been through Holy Spirit leading through the reading of the written Word of God, or it could have been through the impression of a dream or of a wise brother or sister-in-Christ's godly direction.  Nevertheless, as Jesus is the same past, present and future, I believe He could and would speak directly to His children.  God is not hampered by the way we think He should operate.

Of course, we'd best be sure that the voice that speaks is truly the Master, Jesus Christ's voice.  Test the spirits to see whether they be of God or not (1 John 4:1).  If what is said goes against or does not measure up to biblical standards and principles of God's Word, then you'd best reject that voice - its not the Good Shepherd but His enemy or our own wishful thinking.  

This could well be a reason some would "pooh-pooh" the notion of  God speaking directly to a person and /or appearing in form before their eyes and having a conversation.

I've known of someone who would kneel to pray each night before climbing into bed.  Within minutes she'd be asleep on her knees.  Finally, a night of this having happened "one too many times", and in exasperation with herself (after waking and realizing she'd been sleeping instead of praying), she petitioned the Lord and said, " I really want to talk with You but I only fall asleep.  Let me sleep a while then please wake me up.  Also, let me be able to sleep again quickly thereafter and then be able to still wake up refreshed in the morning as I need to go to work."  Up off her knees she'd gotten and climbed into bed and fell asleep...

"Cornelia!"* (not her real name)


Cornelia awoke and peered around in the dark, in the direction of the voice.

"Cornelia!" came the loving voice once more.

"OH, You did it!" she whispered to Him!

She didn't have to ask who 'He' was, she instantly knew.  He smiled at her as a loving Father would.  Oh, how she felt His tender love.  Praise welled up in her heart and she slipped gratefully out of bed and onto her knees to give thanks and praise.  He had then disappeared from her visible sight but His presence lingered and she had a blessed time communing with Him; this time, without dozing off.

Later, she snuggled back into bed and to sleep and before she knew it, her alarm pierced her slumbers.  She arose still in wonder and amazement; and in the thanksgiving and gratefulness avoided her in the night rendezvous.  Refreshed by her encounter, she prepared for work, bright eyed and bushytailed.

This was not exactly a voice, giving a call to a ministry; however, I've heard that Cornelia still gets calls for middle of the night trysts with Jesus.  This, so many decades on.  It's uncanny at times and she's heard His voice, urgently, directing her to pray for this person or that.  It was discovered later how that individual truly needed the Father's intervention and protection.

Obviously, you can ascertain this writer's opinion on the subject.  Nevertheless, I also believe that the Lord doesn't appear without purpose.  It may not always be for a believer to get "the Call" into mission work but so that His child can know His tender loving care and to commune as friends, with Him, or to even be directed to supplicate on another of His child's behalf.   This too, can be a 'mission'. He may also choose to appear and speak directly to a "pre-believer" as He did with Saul of Tarsus in the "past" and has been known to do many times since, even in the "today".  

For sure, He will do so in the "tomorrow" until He calls us all to be with Him in Heaven.  

Then we will be able to see Him and speak with Him in the "forever," for ever.

Won't that be blessed!?

                                               ~ERC  December 2020~

* names pulled out of a hat; any person of the same name is purely coincidental 

Sing, Face to Face With Christ, My Savior, along with Altar of Praise Chorale

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