Saturday, February 27, 2021

First Called, Christians


How do you like being called "Christian"?

Nowadays, it either alludes nominally just because a person may be living in a so-called, "Christian" country; therefore some say that person is a Christian, OR the term 'Christian' seems almost to be a dirty word, besmirched due to some of those so-called Christians behaving in very un-Christlike manner.

In New Testament Bible times, the believers in Jesus Christ and His salvation were termed "followers of the Way," or "disciples" or "brothers and sisters".  The first mention of any of them being called "Christians" was not addressing the first believers in Jerusalem, but those who had become believers in Antioch many years later.  Mind you, they were not Jews but Gentiles!

Luke, the author of Acts records,

"...And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians" (Acts 11:26 ESV).

The term 'Christian' was not a compliment at that time.  King Agrippa squirmed under Paul's testimony and said with distaste,

"In a short time would you persuade me to be a Christian" (Acts 26:28 ESV)?

The third and final mention of "Christian" in the Bible comes from Peter, who by now, was not fearful of being associated with Jesus Christ and His people -- the followers of the Way.  At one time he'd denied he even knew Jesus.  However, now he freely embraced the relationship and even the name, 'Christian', that many, even today, hate.

Look at what Peter wrote to encourage those who followed Jesus but were made to feel shame and more because of their faith in Christ.

"Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name..." (1 Peter 4:16 ESV).

Today, we can still take heart from these living words of God.  We must ask ourselves, would we, (would I), freely call ourselves, "Christian" especially when things were 'hot'?   Some, with great dignity that comes only from knowing Christ as Savior, fly this 'flag', despite the danger of it and despite the negative vibes often attached.

May we Christians everywhere, entrust our souls to our faithful Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ, while still going good (1 Peter 4:19).  May we bear His name with courage and confidence for the One who has done so much for us.

                                                 ~ERC  December 2020~

Sing Onward Christian Soldiers along with Fountainview Academy

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