Sunday, February 28, 2021

Good Books - Eternity Begins Now


The spotlight shines first upon the author Bruce Billington of this book, Eternity Begins Now.  Why?  It's because I was prejudiced against him as he was outside my range of "trusted" authors and secondly, because of who gave me the book.  I know, this should not be...

Although dear people, they were of a persuasion that I generally don't cotton to.  Reluctantly I received the book, dallied, and then reluctantly began to read.  Part way through I cast the book aside.  It collected dust and got conveniently forgotten.

It was only when clearing clutter at a much later date, the book was rediscovered by the "home archeologist" and destined to the "to be given away" pile.  On a whim, I cracked open to a page about three quarters of the way through, swung my glance across a few random pages there and WOW!  This is a keeper after all, and one to be thoroughly read and analyzed.  Hesitantly, though.  However, the spotlight began to beam away from author and  onto the book's contents.

If you read the Gospels, you will see many references to the gospel of the Kingdom being preached.  It is what Jesus taught and so did His disciples.  There is often much confusion and mystery about what that is and when it will come to pass.

Bruce Billington, bless the dear brother's heart, helps to enlighten the reader that it's "now but not now".  He states,

"All those...truly born again enter into what is known as the Kingdom of God.  This Kingdom is not here in its fulness yet, but we are meant to draw our life source from it now and express it in every aspect of life" (page 81 Chapter 7 "Renewing our Minds").

Billington manages to overthrow some old misconceived concepts (where prejudice came in), stayng within "proper-to-me" bounds.  He describes the many ways in which 'Eternity Begins Now', by the way a follower of Jesus conducts their sanctified life (or not), which is supposed to reflect how to live now, but also how we will live once Jesus calls us up to Himself for the rest of Eternity; then we will be fully "perfected".

The author assists the reader to know more about what the Kingdom of God is, "when it is and what it should mean for the average believer".  Some practical ways to conduct oneself therein are included and to make good with the blessings God has bestowed upon us both spiritually, and materially, using all for His glory with stewardship that honors Him.  In so doing, promoting His Kingdom and bringing others into it as eternity has already begun and they can have a part in it too, both now and in time to come.

                                                    ~ERC  February 2021~

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