Sunday, February 7, 2021

Good Book - To the Parents of My Grandchildren

 Bet you had to stop a few seconds to figure out that book title's connection:  "To the Parents of My Grandchildren".  The Grandfather who wrote this book spent many years in China as a missionary.  He was also a very godly family man, interested in the welfare, upbringing and salvation of his grandchildren.  Not to skip a generation, however, he left a legacy to his own children in the nurturing them for Christ and then in the writing of this book.  He had seen the devastation in descendant generations of Christians who were no longer following after the Lord and felt he needed to address the situation.  

Subsequently, not only his own children, and children's children benefited but parents from all walks of life can potentially glean a continuing heritage for Christ, in their own families all down the line by delving into this book, taking it to heart and putting the words of wisdom into practice.

Most babies do not come with an instruction manual.  This Grandfather (the author of the book is simply put as, "by A Grandfather"), took a close look at many Bible fathers, mothers and grandparents and their offspring, for inspiration, encouragement, warning and wisdom from God.  That is what this book is about and can loosely be termed as, "a manual".

It is good not to say, "Oh my children are all grown up--no need for me to read this."  No.  Grandparents can have  major impact for good upon their grandchildren's' lives.  I'd encourage potential parents, present parents and grandparents, alike, to read this book and genuinely ponder its message.

To give a little 'taste' of the book...think of some of the examples set by some of the following Bible characters.  Stop and consider each one and their story if you know it.  Search the Scriptures about them, if you don't.


LAMECH, the 7th from Adam--who had more than one wife.  He was the first recorded man in the Bible to practice polygamy.  He came from the line of Cain, not Seth.  Our parental examples influence and leap from generation to generation.

Compare with ENOCH.  He was also "7th from Adam" but through the line of Seth.  Enoch "walked with God"!

Do we?

Think of the DAUGHTERS OF ZELOPHEHAD, who valued their inheritance.

AMRAM & JOCHEBAD who saw Moses as a "proper child" and found ways to preserve his life.  Our children are also "proper" ones.

In the New Testament we have ZECHARIAH & ELIZABETH, parents of John the Baptizer.

HOUSEHOLDS get honorable mention:  Cornelius', Lydia's; Onesiphorus' and more (there were about ten households mentioned).  

Would our households get into such a "Hall of Honor"?

Pray. Pray. Pray.

Walk the talk.

The copy of this book I have appears to be very Chinese in its cover design, as it is likely one of the earliest editions of it (examine the picture above).  It was given to my maternal grandparents who must have willed it to my parents and it ended up in "my lap" for the good and benefit of my husband's and my children.  One cannot say one has entirely lived up to those good Biblical examples but by God's grace and mighty hand, may our next generation live for Him and honor Him with their lives to impart and impact the same into their children and so on....

We can all use as much help, encouragement, and warning, as possible, in the childrearing and training for God, department.  The Bible parents and grandparents are a real good place to start our reflections and gear into action.  It's a solemn but rewarding responsibility.

                                                    ~ERC February 2021~

P.S.  We don't always need to let our family tree define us.  A person in a negative setting can have a breakthrough by choosing God's way.  It may be a tough slough but by perseverance and God's grace, together with the Lord, You could be the one to begin a Hall of Honor for your next generations to come.

Take note of ADAM to LAMECH  vs  ADAM to ENOCH.

Be encouraged.

May God bless your parenting and grandparenting....

P.S.S.  I personally know some of the Grandfather's descendants and his prayers and nurturing have certainly been answered in many positive ways.  

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