Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Prayer - God's Steadfast Love


Father, Your steadfast love never ceases, Your mercies never end.  We can trust in You at all times as with Your own hands You help and strengthen us.

The Sons of Korah sing Your praises because of the mighty deeds You had performed for their Israelite patriarchs.  You brought Israel out of Egypt, walked with them through the wastelands of wilderness wanderings to set them free from Egyptian slavery.  You brought them to the land You promised them; a land that flowed with milk and honey. 

They had had to fight many battles with sword and bow but the Sons of Korah acknowledged that their forefathers did not do it by  their own strength.  It was by "Your own hand", "You set them free", "Your right hand and arm" saved them, and fought for them to vanquish their foes.  You did all this and more because You "delighted in them" and had "ordained salvation" for them.

O God and Father, in this day and age, You have not failed to help us either.  Rise up and come daily to help us.  Vanquish those who falsely accuse, rescue Your sons and daughters, those who follow Jesus and Your ways in their lives.

Bring them Your strength and comfort, Your wisdom and Your steadfast love.

In You they trust.  Of You they boast.  To You they give thanks in the Name of Jesus, Who is eternal.

Do not reject our pleas.  Many are the times of Your children's disgrace because of the precious Name of Jesus.  They are hated and their foes wish to destroy them as they did Jesus.  One of Your angels strengthened Him in the Garden, before His arrest.

Bring comfort to those of Your followers in dire distress when they feel there's no way out.  It's been endured for so many years.  In contrast, Jesus endured hanging on the cross for six hours.  Many of Your children endure their burdens for years.  Yet in some ways, Jesus has been enduring the cross since Adam and Eve sinned.  He knew what He would need to do when the time was right.

That's 4000-5000 years.  Compare that to the six hours or the four years, or ten years or twenty years of conflict some of Your followers endure here and now.  In perspective of eternity it is not even half a drop of water in a bucket.  BUT, Father, to human beings, it seems an eternity, or what our finite minds imagine is an eternity.

That's why we cry out loudly to You for deliverance.  

"Redeem us for the sake of Your steadfast love."

Thank-You for redemption from our sins through Jesus.  However, we need to be "reworked" and "redeemed" from and through our trials and tribulations of life.

Then, as the Sons of Korah did, we can praise Jesus, singing of Your help, strength, mercy, grace and Your unfailing, steadfast love, which You have woven with wonderful weavings throughout our lives.

Indeed, we will

 "boast continually and give thanks to Your Name forever" (vs 8).

God help us.

We ask in Jesus' name.

                                                  ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Psalm 44:1-20 ESV

Sing, Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases, with Dave Hunt.

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