Saturday, February 13, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Light & Truth


O God, deceitful, unjust and ungodly people are spread out all over the earth.  Deliver us, Your children through Jesus, from them.  We take refuge in You for You are our God.  The Light and Truth of Jesus have shone out into our hearts and now lead us to You, into Your presence on Your "holy hill".

May we walk in Your truth and light with willing hearts that love You because You first loved us.

Communing with You in our "prayer closets" brings us exceeding joy and praise.  We raise our vocal chords to You and make "joyful noise" to Your Name.

When we are downcast, in turmoil of soul, we will hope in You.  We will eventually choose to praise You because You sent Jesus to us.  

Jesus is our salvation and living God.  He delivered us from our own ungodly ways.  Deliver more of those people too, Father.  Jesus has made the way.  May His light and truth shine on them until they give way to You and submit, repent and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior because He is Light and Truth.

Thank-You, Father.

Thank-You, Jesus.

Jesus, as we remember how You submitted Yourself to that cruel death upon Calvary's cross, and shed Your blood for the remission of our sins, may we ponder upon Your work of bringing us this Light and Truth for the saving of our souls.

On a Lord's Day, we partake of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine, showing and recalling what You have done for us with grateful, illuminated hearts and minds.  Your cup of suffering is now our cup of joy.

Humbly, we remember.

May Your Light and Truth now emanate to others and bring many sons and daughters to glory.  Shine on us so we can shine on others with Your truth.

I ask in our Savior Jesus' most holy and precious Name.

                                                 ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Psalm 43:1-5 ESV.

Sing, Shine Jesus Shine by Graham Kendrick

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