Friday, February 19, 2021

Prayer - Marriage Made In Heaven

 Psalm 45 is a very intriguing Psalm.  Verse 2 sounds a lot like a groom preparing for battle - yes, I know, that's strange.  However, in this context, more likely to take up that God given position of authority and responsibility of "Head of Home" in a newly minted family unit.

That new "family" hatched with the exciting pronouncement, "I now pronounce you, 'Man and Wife' (I'll never understand though, why it isn't "husband and wife").  The officiator continues, "Please jubilantly give a round of applause for...Mr. and Mrs. Newly Wed.

Wow!  Now a 'real' man...

Look at his qualities:

"...most excellent of men..."


"...lips anointed with grace"!

Steady on!

Then the commands like,

"Gird up your sword upon your side"


"ride forth!"

There's no hesitation to take up the new husbandly responsibilities; no lackadaisical, sluggardly  behavior.  In some ways this is the "Proverbs 31" for women to discern men of worth.

Yet, there is some advice for the bride, as well. My Dad shared this Psalm 45 with me on the threshold of my marriage, preparatory of moving half way round the world.  In verses 10 and 11, in particular, there are commands and descriptions for her.

At first, I was taken aback by what is written there and didn't like my Dad telling me to,

 "...forget your people and your father's house".

What?!  Is he glad to get rid of me?

In retrospect, it turned out to be good advice (of course, it's God's Word).  It would have worked better though, if it had been followed better, she admits sheepishly.

To be sure, one doesn't act as if ones' parents suddenly no longer exist (unless they don't) - no- we still have some responsibility towards them.  Nevertheless, it's a new chapter of life--perhaps, even a new book; a sequel, for that matter.  All must now be done for the foundations and establishing and maintaining of service to the new family unit; husband, home and hence, children-to-be.

The husband is termed "King" (v. 11).  He is enthralled with you, Mrs. Newly Wed.  Honor him; he is now your earthly lord, 'Sir'.

This puts me in mind of Sarah who called Abraham, "Lord" (1 Peter 3:6).

Lest anyone object to this, it doesn't mean worshiping him.  Worship only belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ, our  (the Church's) King of Kings, and Heavenly Bridegroom.   It is more towards God's established chain of command of authority in the family unit that needs to be recognized and honored; not to be trampled upon by a male dictatorship but in a working unit and relationship that reflects Jesus and His bride, the Church.

Let's power on to the verses 13 and 14.  I love how this bride is adorned:

"...gown interwoven with gold;"

"embroidered," etc.

Transpose these works of delicate craftsmen or women-ship, to the inner beauty qualities of character. Turn again to Proverbs 31.  A wholesome expose of advice from a loving mother to a beloved son she must have dearly loved and wanted the best possible woman of worth for his lifelong love and companion, to have, hold and to cherish.  What type of husband would such a woman wish for?  Wouldn't it be a man of equal worth?  Psalm 45 portrays such with sparkling splendor.

Joyful wedding bells jingle.

Their companions and all the guests are then led in with joy and gladness as the life of the new family unite emerges.

Heavenly Father, You've given us Your Son Jesus as our 'Bridegroom" -- to us, the Church.  He is the one and only, fully Perfect Groom.  He is indeed the One we await for in great expectation.  Come, Lord Jesus.  Come, quickly.  We want to be with You, to enter into the joy and have the marriage supper of the Lamb.  Everlasting joy.  We will sing an everlasting song of joy to You.

Certainly, a marriage made in Heaven!

Thank-You, Father, in Jesus Name we praise.

                                                  ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Psalm 45.

A Song for the Bridegroom with Eric Gilmore (soft and worshipful but I would have preferred if the name of Jesus had been used in the song instead of Lord God Almighty.  Yes, Jesus is God, but it is Jesus Who is referred to as our Bridegroom.  I think one could substitute 'Lord God Almighty' with 'Lord Jesus Christ, Savior'. )   Don't be in a rush to listen and get through to this song's ending.  Be in your prayer room/corner and spend time with Jesus.  His heart beats for you.

Some Bible verses to look at about Jesus being the Bridegroom:  John 3:29; Matthew 9:15; 2 Corinthians 11:2;      Revelation 19:7;  and Ephesians 5:25-27.

Questions to ponder...

If you are contemplating marriage, what are you basing it on?  

Do you have qualities such as alluded to in Psalm 45 and Proverbs 31?  Does he/she?

Have you asked the Lord Jesus for wisdom and discernment to "choose" a godly, lifelong husband/wife, that you will persevere with; for better or for worse?  Do you truly believe he/she is the Lord's choice for you and therefore a marriage made in Heaven?

Will you really mean those wedding vows?

If you can answer these questions affirmatively; good.  Pray and double check with the Lord.  

However, when in doubt...throw it out.   Step back and re-evaluate your values before the Lord.  Are you in love with love and romance or are you truly able to love him/her and accept the Lord's choice for a life partner?  

Sorry, I don't usually say all this stuff but as one lives longer and sees marital devastation and the effects it has on children, etc., well, please be sure you can respect, honor and love "until death do you part, or until Jesus comes" with the Lord's help and intervention.  No doubt, marriage is not always that fairy tale ending of "happily ever after" but one will need perseverance and the help of the Lord in many of the rough times in a relationship.  The character and attitudes as seen in Psalm 45 and Proverbs 31 are a good place to start and/or to refresh a marriage.   May our Heavenly Father bless your union.  Amen and Amen.

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