Friday, February 5, 2021

Prayer - Put a Muzzle On It


Father, the word "muzzle" is almost a bad word these days.  Muzzles are for dogs and horses and other animals, but not for human beings!  Nevertheless, nowadays we must muzzle our mouths with masks and many mumble manifold muffled murmurings about such 'mask-er-aids'.

David said he had a muzzle and put it on himself!  That caught my eye while reading Psalm 38.  David's action being because of the wicked in his presence.  He did not want to say anything for some reason.  Yet he near burst his buttons over it.

Father, may we too have "increased anguish" and hearts that grow hot  "as a fire" as we meditate on the wickedness in society today, and at home, even on our own wrong actions.  It is strange though that David, at first, wanted to keep mum with his muzzle.

He did not lash out, at the wicked, but seemed to be pondering his own thoughts and actions.  He wanted You to show him his "number of days" and his "life's end".  Was he thinking of his own wrong doings and/or that he might do more of them?  Was he thinking his life would be cut short because of them?

He talks about Your "scourge" upon him.  Our wrongs do have consequences but Father we too, look for Your compassion, grace and mercy as did David.  We cry out to You for them.

We know we need rebuke and discipline and often, Father, so that we, Your children, will go in the way that we should.  May we learn to put a muzzle on it ourselves, restraining from wrongful, unhealthy thoughts, actions and words that displease You.  May we instead, meekly follow Your will, ways and Word.

Only then, may we speak for You.  Let us be able to rejoice in Your intervention before we depart from this earth.  Let it be known that we walked in Your truth and spoke gracious, kind, healing words of righteousness that came from only speaking as Jesus would.

We would really love to de-muzzle da-masks, doh.  

We wait patiently for You.  When we all get to heaven, what free-flow rejoicing there will be!  I look forward to that.

In Jesus' most precious Name we petition and praise.

                                                  ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Psalm 39 (NIV).

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