Friday, February 26, 2021

Prayer - Be Still


"Be still!"


Cease your worries and cares and fretting!


"Listen to God."

"Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10), said God.

Rest in the LORD.  Nestle into the Refuge of His caring, loving arms.  Rest Your head upon His shoulder.  Gain Your strength from Him.  Talk to Him.  Let Him talk to you.  Get to know Him.

Father God, thank-You for being in the midst of us.  You make our hearts glad despite the mountains that tremble in our lives.  There is so much to fear in these Covid days; in the days of government elections and their aftermath; in the anxiety of anxious days waiting for a new job; in the days of end-of semester exams; in the days of waiting to deliver that baby especially after a difficult pregnancy; in the days of waiting for medical reports or for verdicts in the courts of man-made law and sometimes unjust judges and so much more.  

BUT...but you are in our midst.

"Waters roars;" "mountains quake" but there are streams of water that make us glad we know You and have You as our Friend.  Father, You are there and ready to help.  You do many wonderful acts.  You "make wars cease"!  That's amazing.

God, our Refuge, stop the wars in our minds and hearts; those tug-of-war struggles of the stresses of daily life versus resting in you and leaving things in Your capable hands.  Teach us to rest in You; to be still so we can truly know You; that You, are Sovereign God, Most High.  You are also our Abba Father and in control.

We want to come and see how You work all Your mighty righteous acts that see us through our difficulties.  Let Your voice utter words we need to hear and that melt the earth and our hearts' fears.  May we learn to lean on You and make You our # 1 Refuge.  After all, You are with us; stronger than a fortress.

We have come to You in the Name of Your Son Jesus.  

Lord Jesus, speak now for Your servant is going to shut up and "be still".  You may do the talking now, except to finish off here, I'll say, thank-You for being with us, Jesus, through Your Holy Spirit.  I rest peacefully in You and pray and praise in Your Name, Lord Jesus.

Ok; ready to listen to Your voice....

                                                    ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Psalm 46:1-11 (NIV)

Sing, Be Still; Stephen Curtis Chapman

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