Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Two Processes

While reading James 1 this morning, and not with the boys at breakfast, I realized there are two opposing processes seen therein; they are in stark contrast.  On the one hand we see the progression of beauty that comes out of "facing our trials" and "standing the test".  The other process is actually NOT a progression but a digression.

Here's a 'sort of diagram'...


Facing trials and training in righteousness:

Testing of your faith>develops perseverance (standing the test)>perseverance produces faith that is mature and complete>and then we don't lack anything>pure joy>crown of life.

The downward spiral of digression:

Temptation stemming from one's own evil desire (dragged away and enticed, but not yet sin)>desire conceived (not yet sin)>give in and sin>death.


Along the downward spiral there are still chances to "stand the test".  The book of James has a lot to do with our actions and 'doing' (as will be seen in James 2).  We either 'do' for good or 'do' for sin.  James wants the former not the latter outcome.  And as the 'sort of diagram' portrays, the results of one is 'life' and of the other, is 'death'.  Choose life.

As one Thomas a Kempis is attributed to have said, 

"Adversities do not make a man frail, they show what sort of man he is".  

Be a person of life.

We do not have to do all this on our own strength!  James 1:5 tells us we can ask God for wisdom and He will "give generously without finding fault".  Many people like to judge us and find fault, but God won't call us "stupid" nor will He be our accuser when we acknowledge Him in our lives and ask for His help. What a mighty God we serve!  God of wonder and full of grace.

                                                           ~ERC  2016~

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