Thursday, July 14, 2016

Morning Musings-What God Desires

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

These verses, James 1:19-21, stand out as a contrast between man's words and God's words of truth (vs 18).  God's Words bring forth firstfruits and life but man's can bring forth unrighteous anger if and when no restraint is made.

Let us therefore be "quick to listen and slow to speak" (vs 19) so that we can bring forth the righteous life that God desires from us.  "Humbly accept His Word that he planted within us instead".  Speak for Him or keep quiet for Him.  "Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace" (Proverbs 17:28). 

These are part of Christian living but they tax us to the limits many a time.  Again, we followers of Jesus Christ have God's Holy Spirit within us to help us in persevering in the righteous life, and as we do we will become ever more "mature and complete" in our faith and Christ-likeness. When we feel like we are about to burst, go a step more, and a step more taxing, but not breaking, those limits.  God is walking, in step, with us.   Be encouraged to live how God desires...

                                                                  ~ERC  2016~

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