Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Morning Musings-Things to Do While Waiting for Jesus

 Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

As you know, James' letter is about 'do'-ing to show we have faith and that faith being put into action as consequence thereof. So, it's no surprise that in chapter 5:7-12, he shares more things 'to do' while waiting for Jesus's coming.  On this "To Do List" are important actions that James is actually repeating again from earlier on in his letter.  They are:  "be patient; stand firm; persevere; don't grumble and don't swear".

The recipients of this letter were undergoing suffering and persecution.  No doubt they often felt like giving up and giving in but James reminds them of their prophets of the past who did, through deep distress, hang in there, and persevered.  Job was used as an example.  If he could do it, James seems to be saying, they could do it.  What's more, the Lord came through for Job as the Lord is "full of compassion and mercy".  

What love our Heavenly Father has for us too.  He'll help see us through when we let Him.  Be patient.  In due time we will see result of our perseverance.  

Once upon a time, many, many years ago I had a French teacher who liked to share little ditties and sayings with his students.  One I recall is, "Tell the truth and shame the devil".   A better reason for telling the truth though would be "... and give God the glory".

Tell the truth, submit to God, resist the devil.  What am I going on about?  Letting our "yes" be "yes" and our "No," be "No" (vs 12).  We are so often tempted to lie or only tell 1/2 truths that lead people away from the actual truth.

Verse 12 talks about "swearing".  In biblical context it usually refers to making promises, oaths, vows. If we make a promise--stick to it.  Be a person that sticks to your word.  It may take that patience, perseverance and standing firm to do it, but you will honor God in the end.  You will also "be considered blessed" (vs 11).  That's what James told the twelve tribes scattered among the nations (1:1).

Taking a second ponder on that tho', James says "don't swear"!  In other words he admonishes to be such a person of truth as a way of life, as a 'to do' action of faith and Christian living, that we will not have to swear to anything.  People around us automatically will know our character is 'truth'; thus it would be unnecessary to "swear" in this context.

Now we might be getting into some 'nitty gritty' as there are brothers and sisters in Christ who, when
Even here people will try to circumvent truth.
in a government or legal setting are asked to 'swear' on the Bible or some book of a religion of choice, and to "tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God," would take this verse to say they will not comply.  

Again, we need to ask for wisdom in each particular instance how to "be at peace with all men as much as possible" (Romans 12:18; Hebrews 12:14).  Those officials don't know you from Adam and will judge you according to the average Joe, which is more often than not, that the Joe's do not tell the whole truth let alone the truth; sad to say.  So what can you do?

To simply explain and state, "I'm a follower of Jesus Christ and I will tell the truth as much as I know of it, but I don't wish to do so upon any book...."  This may satisfy the officer of the law.  God gives that person authority so its good to acquiesce as much as possible.

Even though I am a Christian, I do have a problem with such "swearing" on the Holy Bible.  The reason?  Because besides the Holy Bible, there is a row of other books of religions that anyone can equally swear upon.  That makes God's Word (the Holy Bible) on par with those other books.  I hold God's Word sacred above all and not to be compared with any other as if of equal status at all except, of course, the Torah.  

I tell the truth, therefore I will simply state that I will tell the truth as much as in me lies.  I do not need to swear on anything, I will "let my "yes," be "yes"!  I will let my "No," be "No"!

When Jesus comes for us, let Him find us faithful to Him, my sons; faithful in:  being patient; standing firm in Christ; being fruitful for Him; persevering in our faith; telling the truth and nothing but the truth and so on and on.  These are all things to do while waiting for Jesus's return.

                                                        ~ERC  2016~

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