Monday, July 11, 2016

Morning Musings-The Higher Calling

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Ahh...the book of James which is a favorite of mine and that seems to correspond a lot with the Old Testament book of Proverbs.  Once upon a time I read the book of Proverbs only and that for many months; possibly for about two years, I can't fully recall the length of time exactly.  Now when I read James, like I said, it has a Proverbs feel to it.  So there you go, why not try and read both books simultaneously and compare them.  However, for our morning musings we will stick to James with possible other references thrown in for good measure.  

The book of James is also kind of the other side of the coin from the book of Romans.  Romans emphasizes the follower of Jesus Christ's  justification in the eyes of God where in James the emphasis is on our justification in the eyes of mankind.  

In God's eyes, our faith in Jesus Christ and acceptance of Him as Savior through the work Jesus did on the cross is enough.  Jesus paid the penalty for our sins.  The follower of Jesus Christ has accepted that salvation and the blood of Jesus Christ has washed our sins away.  God looks at our heart and sees the blood of Jesus Christ His Son and the atonement for our sins, and He declares we are righteous in His sight.  

Mankind cannot see our hearts as God does and wants us to "prove it" so we need to show by our actions that we have that faith we say we have.  Faith put into action...but I'm ahead of myself...

Read James 1:1-8.

I find it very difficult to have joy when things are not just right.  In these few verses though, the people of faith in Jesus Christ are asked to "consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds".  This is "training in righteousness" as alluded to in the previous blog For Your Own Good from Hebrews 13.

 There is a progression in that training:  testing of faith>develop perseverance>become mature and complete>no lack.  This is "the change" we need.  Make special note that when we pray we don't ask to have the circumstances changed but that the person changes.  

The character of the individual is of greater consideration.  The building of his or her faith in God is of greater consideration.  At the point of salvation in Jesus Christ we have justification (just as if I'd never sinned and how God sees our hearts).  However, God loves us too much to leave us in our own muddle.  This "testing of your faith" is given the fancy term of  "sanctification"; the part where God doesn't leave us as He found us.  It's also the part in which James deals with and mankind wants to see action; walk the talk stuff.

When we pray then, ask for the wisdom in how to go about this changing process.  When those trials and difficulties of life overtake us, ask that God change us, the person, for this is a higher calling.  Ask for that higher level of what can and should change.  As we change, faith in God and Jesus becomes greater and then we can change some more and our faith becomes stronger, and so on in an upward repeating spiral.  Faith is building, doubts are being banished.

We develop perseverance to become mature and complete in our faith.  Because the faith is mature and complete, then we lack nothing.  When tempted to ask for the change in circumstances, look for the higher calling.  There's the saying there's "a silver lining in the dark clouds".  When the dark clouds of our trials assail us, persevere, strengthen your faith, have that pure joy and a crown of life (vs 12).

 Really, really get this into your mind and heart.  This idea of what the higher calling is about, my sons.  Get it now because when those trials come, they can really boink you on the head and leave you spinning.  When you are 'prepared' ahead of time, and then when the "spinning" starts, you will, hopefully, 'stand the test' (vs 12).   All this is easier said than done, but make no mistake, God has your best interest at heart, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11).  Memorize that verse and Romans 8:28.  Get them ingrained into your memory bank so that they can feed and comfort your spirit in times of "trials of many kinds".

May God have mercy on us all and grow our grace to sustain towards that higher calling.  In Jesus Name I ask. 

                                                           ~ERC  2016~

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