Saturday, July 23, 2016

Morning Musings-Submit and Resist

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

At the end of chapter 3 of James, we see that "peacemakers who sow in peace, raise a harvest of righteousness".  James then swings our attention in 4:1-12 into direct contrast by bringing up about all the bickering, coveting, killing and slandering that was happening.  Even in the midst of "trials of all kinds" some of which was persecution for their faith in Jesus, human nature was still very active.  And we are no better as in our present day and age all of this is prevalent.  It is also truly agonizing.  James must have felt so terrible in his heart.

It's a bit of a puzzle to me though as to why James uses the word 'kill' in these verses (4:1-3).  One can understand about the "fights and quarrels" and "covet" but "kill"?  I thought James was writing to "believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ" (2:1), and that "killing" would not even be in their vocabulary!  Shame on the fights and quarrels and coveting too!

But, if people are not submitted to God and not resisting the devil (vs 7), then all of the above, and more could happen.  Even the 'kill' bit.  Maybe it was, and maybe it was not the literal 'kill'--but certainly the severing of even close relationships and sowing discord among brothers and sisters in Christ happen.  Slander, coveting and quarreling will do that.

We have seen the process back in 1:14-18 of our own evil desire, conceived and given birth to, bringing death.  Sadly, all could happen.

Sources of conflict and the process of the bickering leading to all the rest, is that:  we are just not submitted to God.  We make friendships with the world and when we do ask God for stuff, its with wrong motives.  Our pride gets in there for good measure too and we don't resist the devil.  So says James; and I believe him. 

Friendship with the world could denote "pleasures of sin for a season" (Hebrews 11:25).  Moses forsook those at a sacrifice to himself.  What sort of pleasures are we willing to forego?  How about drinking and smoking; drugs; pre-marital sex; living together although not married; going after $$ and power; gambling; pride in achievements?  Most of these have been listed in other blog entries.  Whatever...there is little to no acknowledgement of God in a person's life and definitely NOT submitted to Him in fear and reverence.

All your abilities, stamina, strength, used for worldly pursuits instead of giving glory to God by using them for Him and furthering His kingdom.  What a waste.  God wants us to be friends with Him and His people. He does not want us to be coveting another's talent and gift or position in the church either.  No.  Each has their own to be used in teamwork for God in the body of Christ.

Satan comes only to "steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10).  He's more than happy when we keep ourselves unsubmitted to God and unresistant to Satan and causing strife, division, unhappiness and havoc among the people of God.

When we submit ourselves to God first and foremost, we will then be able to resist the devil.  We do not run from the devil but he from us as we resist.  So like standing firm with the armor of God about us and submitting to God we will see Satan run with his tail between his legs.  This is the power of God in us as we submit to Him and come near to Him.  In return He comes near to us.

When we are near to God, submitted to Him, we will then be more able to detect that which is not right in us.  We can then "mourn, grieve and wail" about it.  'Get real' with God and confess and repent of those wrongs and He will cleanse and purify us as we bathe in His forgiveness (1 John 1:9); all by God's grace.

This is why our laughter and joy should be turned to mourning and grieving so that we can be purified.  This we do in humble submission to God our Father.  Again He has a response; to lift us up.  His grace helps us to be humble and in turn He lifts us up.  What a wondrous God we serve!

Earlier in James (1:2) we are asked to consider our afflictions "pure joy".  However, here in James 4:9-10,  we are asked to change our "laughter to mourning" and "joy to gloom".  The "pure joy" is different in that we don't go purposefully to look for suffering or persecution, but when it finds us, we can be joyful that we are living our lives in such a God-pleasing way that Satan takes note of it and tries to disturb that joy.  However, the laughter and joy of 4:9-10 is to turn to mourning and gloom due to any sin we may be harboring in our lives.

When we've submitted to God and humbled ourselves then God can lift us up in greater purity, we can then relinquish the slander and the judging of others.  Let God be the Judge instead and turn us into peacemakers.

Inculcate the habit of submitting any plans we make to the Lord and His will, saying "If it is the Lord's will" we will do this or that.  This, in our humble state, will show that submission to Him.  This is also part and parcel of putting our faith into action that James wants to emphasize.

So when we do know the good we should be doing but we don't do it, we will be sinning.  Let us live our lives humbly submitted to our Lord, Master and Savior, Jesus Christ and so do His good and perfect and pleasing will.  What is that good, perfect and pleasing will?  Submit to God.  Resist the Devil.  Be a peacemaker among God's people and "raise a harvest of righteousness"  (James 3:18) instead.

                                                           ~ERC  2016~

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