Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Morning Musings-The Trinity's Work

   Morning Musings with the boys at breakfast...

Father.  Son.  Holy Spirit.  I love to see how each Person of the Godhead works together.  Here in 1 Peter 1:1-2 is such a lovely example.  By the foreknowledge of God the Father, the followers of Jesus are chosen.   The Holy Spirit gets busy doing His sanctifying work upon such individuals as have been chosen to become the children of God.  These children were also chosen for obedience to Jesus Christ, God's Son and by the sprinkling of His blood these children accept Jesus as Savior.

To expand this some, God the Father chose individuals so that the Holy Spirit could then get busy doing "sanctifying work" even before the person comes to Christ by asking Him to be their Savior.  "Why me?" you might ask?  "Why him and not me?"  God's thoughts are not our thoughts and His thoughts are higher than the earth or any creature He ever created (Isaiah 55:8-9).  Our God is Sovereign.  God knows our hearts (Jeremiah 17:10) and He knows who will be obedient to Christ.

This preparatory work of the Holy Spirit brings the person to the point of obedience that the chosen person will accept Jesus as Savior by the "sprinkling of Jesus blood".   "The blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin." (1 John 1:7).  Obedience to the point of salvation.  The Holy Spirit has done His job well.

The Holy Spirit doesn't stop work once the person comes to Christ.  There is still further work to do.  You've likely heard the saying, "God loves the sinner but loves him/her too much to leave them the way He's found them".  The Holy Spirit has further work to bring that person through continuing sanctification and learning of greater obedience to Jesus Christ.  

We have seen this in the book of James and chapter one of that process.  As the new child of God goes through this process of learning greater obedience to Christ, they are making Jesus not only Savior of their life, but Lord and Master.  The title 'The Lord Jesus Christ' is not just a calling name.  The significance is the obedience and allegiance to Jesus as one's Lord, Master, King.  He wants us to be willing to obey His will and ways for us in our lives, to serve Him, love Him, worship Him, honor Him and glorify Him.  

Grace and peace will be given the person in abundance throughout the process as we too work together with the Holy Spirit as we bow humbly to Jesus and God becoming "fit for the Master's use" (2 Timothy 2:21).

Somehow the word "obedience" impacts me and brings to mind what Jesus told the disciples just before He ascended back up into heaven, in Matthew 28:16-20..."go and make disciples of all nations...teaching them to obey..."  This is important to God.  Before our salvation we were living according to our own way and as our loving Heavenly Father, God wants us to go according to His way.  He created us and knows what is best for us.  When we obey our spirits and souls are kept from harm.  

This of course is a continual spiritual warfare.  God's way.   Our own way.  Satan's (God's enemy) way.  I'm so glad God gave us the Holy Spirit to indwell us to help lead, and guide us into all of God's truth and help us to chose to obey Him.  

Thank-you, Father God for this process and Your continued interest in our lives.  Not just to "get us saved" and then drop us, but You continue to work with us for our good through Your Holy Spirit.  You never leave us nor forsake us.  And then You give us more grace and more peace in abundance.  You are so good and kind and wonderful, Glorious Master.  Thank You for Your love, and for this relationship You want with us, with me, with Your created human beings.  In Jesus's Name I pray and give You thanks.

The first stanza of an old hymn written by J. J. Hopkins a way back when comes to mind and goes like this:

"Lord, Thy love has sought and found usWand'ring in this desert wide,Thou hast thrown Thine arms around us,For us suffered, bled, and died:Sing, my soul!  He loved thee,Jesus gave Himself for me."

Will you obey Him?

                                                            ~ERC  2016~

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