Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Spin-off

This 'spin-off' is another one off from the book of James that we have been looking at with the Morning Musings  in regards to the "fightings and quarrels" and "coveting" and "slandering" (James 4).  Have been reading elsewhere from a book called Be In Health-A More Excellent Way by a pastor called Henry W. Wright.  He is rather knowledgeable in things medical as well as spiritual.  He states that many times (but not each time) our medical conditions are produced from spiritual root problems and that when those root problems are  addressed, the health issues will often clear up even without directly praying for the physical healing.  Take note of James 5:13-16 where the sick person and the gathered elders are asked to "confess their sins to each other".

For instance, these fightings, quarrels and covetings, etc, more often than not, produce unforgiveness.  When unforgiveness is left to fester and fester, it solidifies into bitterness.  The author says that bitterness is "a form of murder"!  Why would he say that?!

He says, "Broken relationships" (due to the fighting etc), "can cause toxins (eg dangerous levels of cortisol, which is naturally in the body and does no harm, but due to our bitterness, etc, overproduces and becomes toxic) to enter the bloodstream.  Most cancers come out of loss and conflict, caused by fear and bitterness.  Bitterness results in broken relationships.  Many cancers are linked to bitterness.  The word 'bitterness' in Greek means 'poison'.

"Bitterness and fear separate you from others, cell membrane semi-rigidity  sets in and the toxins begin to collect at the cellular level....immune sentries go out of whack.".....

"...Cells mitosis is the dividing of cells causing cancer to multiply.  Then a tumor is formed.  A spirit of death and spirit of infirmity are at work.  Bitterness produces a disease unto death because bitterness is a form of murder."  (Emphasis, mine.)

Henry went on to give an example of a woman who was diagnosed with 4th stage cancer which had spread throughout her body.  She went to a pastor whom she knew to be able to "identify spiritual factors in the cause of disease".  She came to realize that she had a long standing bitterness against another woman.  When she repented of this and asked God for forgiveness
and then the other woman for forgiveness and "became a doer of the Word. God honored her with healing".  "She did not take chemo and no one prayed for her" healing.  "This testimony" (one of many) "demonstrates the number one block to healing, which is unforgiveness."

Fear is also mentioned.  Fear and anxiety we are told we are to cast upon God for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).  These are commands of God, not an 'if you feel like it' whim.  When we obey them, then we can stay in health.  Henry W. Wright says this is the "more excellent way" for a Christian to live.  When we don't, then this is what Satan delights to see as he is in the business of "creating relationship breakups" and "stirring up strife and promoting conflict".  Fear also builds up the cortisol levels he says and then ones immune system gets compromised and all such diseases as Environmental Illness and allergies, etc multiply.

"God created your immune system to protect you...your spiritual enemy [Satan] wants to destroy your immune system..."

So God is not kidding us when He tells us to stop the fighting and quarreling.  Instead to be forgiving as God through Christ does (Ephesians 4:32;  Colossians 3:13).  God created us and He knows what is good for our bodies and what is not.  Christian living and putting our faith into actions is about God's command to rid ourselves of the bitterness and slander and unforgiveness, and rather to "Be compassionate and to bear with one another" which can be accomplished by us with the help of the Holy Spirit within each believer and by God's amazing grace.  Again, this is part of the process that James explains to us in chapter 1.  The more we choose to exercise forgiveness and grace the more we will mature in them and our faith in God will expand as well.  

This is the 'spin-off' to which to aim.

Keep this in mind too:

                                                             ~ERC  2016~

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